
  1. 急切等待这一全球经济实力转移象征的观察人士,上周五抓住了中国国家外汇管理局(SAFE)局长易纲的一句话。

    Observers eagerly awaiting what will be a symbol of shifting global economic power on Friday seized on a remark by Yi Gang , director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange , about China 's growth prospects .

  2. 做为本次中美贸易磋商的中方代表,易纲认为双方应该遵守历次G20峰会的承诺。

    Yi Gang - who has been part of the Chinese team at the trade talks with the US - said both sides pledged to the commitments made at previous G20 summits .

  3. 易纲周二此番讲话对黄金现货市场影响甚微。纽约商交所Comex三月黄金期货合约结算价下跌1.60美元,至每盎司1122美元,跌幅0.14%。

    Mr. Yi 's remarkshad little effect on Tuesday spot trading of gold , which fell $ 1.60 , or 0.14 % , to $ 1122 an ounce in New York .

  4. “易纲说出了显而易见的事实;即使中国现在还没有超越日本,那也是很快就会发生的事,”北京龙洲经讯(dragonomics)董事总经理葛艺豪(arthurkroeber)表示。

    " Mr Yi is stating the obvious ; if China has not already overtaken Japan at this moment in time then it will very soon , " said Arthur Kroeber , managing director of Dragonomics in Beijing .

  5. 周小川的副手易纲将代替他发言。

    Mr. Zhou 's deputy , Yi Gang , will give the lecture in his place .

  6. 在今天的博客中,中国人民银行官员易纲就目前人民币走势谈了自己的看法。

    In today 's podcast , PBOC official Yi Gang discusses the yuan 's performance so far this year .

  7. 易纲指出,中国若大量购买黄金,会迅速推高国际市场上的黄金价格。

    He pointed out that any large gold purchases by China would quickly push up the price of metal in international markets .

  8. 由于中国经济发展放缓,易纲反复强调要重点支持私营企业。

    As China faces a period of slowing economic growth , Yi Gang reiterated the stance of focusing on supporting the private sector .

  9. 易纲说,中国黄金的年产量约为300吨,年消费量约为400吨;

    Its annual gold output is about 300 tons , and it consumes about 400 tons on an annual basis , Mr. Yi said .

  10. 与此同时,中国央行副行长易纲将人民币兑美元汇率描述为最接近均衡水平。

    Meanwhile Yi Gang , the central bank governor , described the renminbi exchange rate against the dollar as being at its closest to equilibrium .

  11. 易纲周二说,中国对美国国债的投资属于市场投资行为。

    Chinese investments in US Treasuries were market investment behaviour , said Yi Gang , director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange , on Tuesday .

  12. 易纲没有透露具体达成了哪些共识,但他强调了双方讨论的内容,其中包括尊重对方的货币政策自主性。

    Without devulging what was , Yi Gang highlighted what was discussed , which included the need to observe the autonomy of each other 's monetary policy .

  13. 3月初,中国央行副行长易纲表示,人民币汇率水平正接近有史以来的最佳均衡状态。

    At the start of March , Yi Gang , deputy governor at the Chinese central bank , said the renminbi exchange rate was at its closest yet to equilibrium .

  14. 易纲称,中国正在飞速发展,地方政府渴望追求更高的增长,所以中央银行需要提醒政府通货膨胀的危险性。

    He says China is developing dramatically , and local governments have desires of pursuing higher growth , so the central bank needs to remind the governments the danger of inflation .

  15. 中国国家外汇管理局局长易纲暗示,中国对于进一步扩大黄金购买量的意愿或许有限,并就中国作为美国国债投资国的问题发表了安抚性言论。

    China 's chief foreign-exchange regulator suggested the country 's appetite for further gold purchases may be limited and offered soothing words about China 's role as an investor in U.S. Treasurys .

  16. 近期,中央银行副总裁易纲在一次论坛中称,今年人民币的走势趋好,排在了第二的位置。

    The performance of the yuan has been the second strongest among all major currencies this year , Yi Gang , adeputy governor of the central bank , said recently at a forum .

  17. 经济基数越来越大,增长率肯定应该逐步慢下来,同时担任中国央行副行长的易纲在中国外管局网站上发表的一篇采访中表示。

    With the expansion of the economic base , the growth rate should certainly gradually slow down , Mr Yi , who is also deputy central bank governor , said in an interview on the Safe website .

  18. 中国央行副行长易纲去年12月份接受《财新》杂志采访时称,中国有一个庞大的中等收入群体,他们需要服装、笔记本电脑和化妆品等进口商品。

    There is a huge middle-income group and they need imported clothing , laptops and cosmetics , ' said Mr. Zhou 's number two , Yi Gang , in a December interview with the Chinese magazine Caixin .

  19. 易纲说美国次级债危机影响的加剧及2008年1月底袭击中国中南部的破坏性雪灾使决策环境更加复杂。

    Yi said the deepening of the fallout from the US subprime mortgage crisis and the devastating snow storms that hit much of central and southern China in late January had made the policy-making environment more complex .

  20. 中国央行的另一名副行长易纲指出,在线基金在流动性和价格波动方面被视为有较高风险。他表示,央行将进一步观察市场上正在发生的变化。

    Yi Gang , another vice governor , noted that online funds were seen as being risky in terms of liquidity and price volatility , and said the central bank would further observe changes under way in the market .

  21. 易纲在美国生活了14年,后于1994年回国,自那时起,他成功地把自己打造成一位“内部人士”,具备了掌管中国最重要金融管理机构其中之一的能力与资格。

    Mr Yi lived in the US for 14 years before returning home in 1994 . Since then he has established himself as an insider , with the ability and credentials to run one of the most important financial agencies in the country .

  22. 中国人民银行行长易纲在北京举行的记者会上表示,中美谈判代表在上个月底于华盛顿举行的最新一轮谈判中,在许多关键问题上达成了共识。

    Speaking in Beijing , China 's Central Bank Governor , Yi Gang told the media that China and the US negotiators reached a consensus on a number of crucial issues during their latest round of trade talks late last month in Washington .

  23. 中国人民银行副行长易纲,出席在东京举行的国际货币基金组织和世界银行年会,在年会的最后一日发表讲话,介绍了中国的货币政策。

    Yi Gang , vice governor of the People ' s Bank of China , made a speech at the last day of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank annual meeting Sunday in Tokyo to explain the monetary policy of China .

  24. 易纲还说到,普通意义上的说明并不够,所以中央银行必须采取一些措施,包括存款准备金率,公开市场操作,及汇率政策,使增长率保持在可控制范围之内。

    The official says the moral explanation is not enough , so the central bank has to use some tools , including required reserved ratio , open market operation , and exchange rate policy , to control the growth rate in a manageable range .

  25. 易纲指出,过去30年显示黄金的投资收益并不是很好,考虑中国是黄金的重要买家,中国的任何购买行为肯定都会推动金价上涨。

    Mr. Yi said the past 30 years have shown that the return on gold hasn 't been great and that given China 's heft as a gold buyer , any move it makes to purchase the precious metal would ' certainly ' increase gold prices .

  26. 在人们对中国政府对美国国债的投资兴趣日益感到担忧之际,易纲说,中国持有美国国债可以实现互利双赢。中国每天都在买进卖出美国国债,中方希望不要把这样的交易政治化。

    Amid continuing jitters about Beijing 's appetite for U.S. debt , Mr. Yi also said China holding Treasurys can be mutually beneficial for China and the U.S. China buys and sells U.S. Treasurys on a daily basis and Beijing doesn 't want such trading to be politicized , Mr. Yi said .