
  1. 事后明白了再评价,这自然容易。

    It 's easy to criticize with the benefit of hindsight .

  2. 我突然明白了他在做什么。

    I suddenly cottoned on to what he was doing .

  3. 通过与安娜相处,他明白了爱意味着什么。

    With Anna he learned the meaning of love .

  4. 看她的面部表情,就什么都明白了。

    Her face told its own story .

  5. 我终于弄明白了他的意思。

    I finally twigged what he meant .

  6. 他把读到和听到的片段综合起来,便逐渐明白了。

    Bits and pieces of things he 'd read and heard were coming together , and he began to understand .

  7. 然后,我突然意识到他可能的确是明白了。

    Then it came to me that perhaps he did understand .

  8. 对不起,我好像有点听不明白了。

    Excuse me I seem to be a little bit lost .

  9. 弄明白了你就会觉得这合情合理。

    Work it out and you 'll find it figures .

  10. 他那时明白了自己想帮助穷人。

    He knew then that he wanted to work among the poor .

  11. 如果你读过我早期的回忆录,就全都明白了。

    If you 've read my earlier memoirs you 'll know all about it

  12. 此行并未得到授权,这一点也已经说得相当明白了。

    It has also been made quite clear that the trip was unauthorised .

  13. 他终于明白了这一点。

    The message was finally getting through to him .

  14. 我逐渐明白了他们想要干什么。

    Bit by bit I began to understand what they were trying to do .

  15. 我们也明白了那句老话的道理:仁爱始于家庭。

    We also realize the truth of that old saying : Charity begins at home

  16. 你开始明白了。

    You 're beginning to get the idea .

  17. 天哪!这下我明白了!

    Good Heavens ! That explains a lot !

  18. 私底下说,我不敢肯定他们明白了。

    Confidentially , I am not sure that it wasn 't above their heads .

  19. 格雷丝慢慢明白了他的意思。

    Grace was beginning to get his drift

  20. 我渐渐明白了自己还有才能,应该再次参加竞选。

    It gradually dawned upon me that I still had talent and ought to run again

  21. 她即便没听懂他的话,也明白了他的意思,并且接受了他的建议。

    She understood his meaning , if not his words , and took his advice .

  22. 你是个聪明的女人,想必你现在明白了我是在帮你。

    You 're an intelligent woman , surely you realize by now that I 'm helping you

  23. 都劝说得这么明白了还要继续比赛,这简直就是自讨苦吃。

    To go ahead with the match after such clear advice had been asking for trouble .

  24. 我们不会让英镑贬值,这一点我已经说得很明白了。

    We are not going to devalue the pound . I have made that crystal clear .

  25. 但是直到我看见报纸上的照片后才明白了一切。

    But it wasn 't until I saw the photograph in the paper that everything clicked into place .

  26. 到了第一年年底,我明白了我们俩根本不般配。

    By the end of that first year , I knew how totally unsuited we were to each other .

  27. 这个词的用法我算是弄明白了。

    I am clear about the usage of this word at last .

  28. 他终于开始明白了实情。

    The truth at last dawned on him .

  29. 一点他就明白了。

    He quickly took the hint .

  30. 我多次向你使眼色,又给你递暗号,别人都明白了,你却没有反应。

    I 've tipped you a wink or signalled to you on the sly many times , but before you took the hint others had already noticed .