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  1. 经济低迷将检验这种观点,这是明略行母公司WPP集团(WPPGroup)等广告营销公司的信条。

    The downturn will test that proposition , which is a tenet of advertising and marketing companies such as WPP Group , the parent of Millward Brown .

  2. 广告巨头WPP和其市场研究机构华通明略的数据显示,跨国公司品牌和中国本土品牌在品牌实力上的得分均为100分。

    According to advertising giant WPP and its market research unit Millward Brown , both multinationals and local Chinese brands score 100 on the metric of Brand Power .

  3. 价格的影响,以及最强大、最具价值品牌的价格更为抗跌的事实,是我们从明略行研究中得出的又一个重要发现。

    The role of price , and the fact that the strongest and most valuable brands are more price-resistance , is a further important finding from research by MBO .

  4. 她表示,明略行去年预计,只要丰田着手解决其质量问题,它就能恢复元气,因为丰田是一个由伟大的产品塑造的伟大品牌,拥有如此深厚的底蕴。

    She says the agency predicted last year that Toyota would rebound if it addressed its quality issues because it had such a well of heritage for being a great brand driven by great products .

  5. 根据这份由新东方前途出国和凯度华通明略近日发布的《中国留学生报告》显示,计划出国就读硕士及以上学历的学生占所有计划出国留学生的68%,占比分别较2017年和2016年增加8个百分点和11个百分点。

    Students who apply for master 's degree or above overseas made up 68 % of all students planning to study abroad , up 8 percentage points from 2017 and 11 percentage points from 2016 , according to the Report on Chinese Students ' Overseas Study released by New Oriental Vision Overseas and Kantar Millward Brown .

  6. 美联储在国会发布的预测表明,美联储的决策者们愿意容忍今明两年2%或略高于该水平的核心通胀率,只要通胀的走势“正确”。

    The forecasts to Congress show Fed policymakers are willing to tolerate an inflation rate , on its core measure , of 2 per cent or slightly above this year and next , providing it is heading in the right direction .