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  • 网络emperor yongle;Yongle Emperor
  1. 之后,郑和侍奉朱棣,也就是后来的明成祖。

    Zheng He then served Zhu Di , who later became the Yongle Emperor .

  2. 明成祖承认当地的部落首领是王国的统治者,中国历史学者郑一钧说。

    The tribal chief was recognized by the Yongle Emperor as the ruler of his kingdom , said Mr. Zheng , the Chinese historian .

  3. 明成祖的亲王守边政策

    The Policy of Border Garrison of Emperor Yongle in the Ming Dynasty

  4. 1420年,明成祖朱棣移入新居。

    In1420 the Emperor moved into his new premises .

  5. 明成祖朱棣命令下属建造一支强大的舰队。

    Emperor Zhu Di ordered his workers to build a huge fleet of boats .

  6. 这些使节在中国逗留期间,受到了明成祖皇帝的盛情款待。

    While in China , these foreign emissaries were shown great hospitality by Emperor Chengzu of Ming .

  7. 郑和追随明成祖朱棣进入南京后就一直在南京明故宫内任职。

    Zheng He had served in Nanjing 's Imperial Palace since he followed Emperor Yongle to enter Nanjing .

  8. 马三保在王府期间和王太子成为了好朋友,王子后来成为明成祖永乐皇帝,是明代最出色的皇帝之一。

    Ma befriended a prince there who later became the Yong Le Emperor , one of the Ming Dynasty 's most distinguished .

  9. 郑和下西洋的和平使命是明成祖亲授的,郑和忠实地执行和完成了成祖的嘱托和重任。

    Zheng 's mission was given by Emperor Yongle in person , and Zheng faithfully fulfilled Yongle 's entrustment and completed his task .

  10. 为保证出使诏谕海外诸国海船的供应,明成祖即位初期,就命各大造船厂建造大批海船。

    To ensure the use of ships for his special envoys , Emperor Yongle also ordered all ship manufacturers to be engaged in ship building .

  11. 恐怕明朝明成祖时候,郑和下西洋还算是开放的。

    You might say it was an open policy of a sort when Zheng He was sent on voyages to the western oceans by Emperor Cheng Zu of the Ming Dynasty .

  12. 更重要的是,郑和与当时的中国统治者明成祖协助了马六甲当地人抗击暹罗王国。

    More important , Zheng He and the Yongle Emperor , the ruler of China at the time , helped the native people of Malacca stand up to the kingdom of Thailand .

  13. 永乐时期,海外穆斯林商人则把明成祖的通四夷政策引向西洋(印度洋)地区,郑和正是凭借了海外穆斯林的商业网络而使下西洋活动获得成功;

    During the reign of Yongle , overseas Muslim merchants extended the policy of foreign communications to the Indian Ocean area , and it was with help from the overseas Muslim merchants that Zhenghe succeeded in his west expedition .

  14. 明成祖继续加强中央集权,采取削藩政策,将北方诸王迁往南方,有的被废为庶人,国家军政大权又集中于皇帝。

    Ming Chengzu continued to strengthen up the centralized government and adopted the policy to abolish the vassal states and forced the dukes in the north to the south and some of them were degraded to commoner status . The national and the military rights were in the hands of the emperor himself .

  15. 明成祖即位后,为了加强与东南亚国家的联系,也借此炫耀大明帝国的国威,开始了一连串大规模的海上活动。从公元1405到1433年,受明成祖派遣,郑和先后七次率领庞大的船队进行远航。

    In order to strength the relations with countries lying to the west of China as well as to flaunt the national power of the Great Ming Empire , Em-peror Ming Chengzu launched a series of marine activities.Between 1405 and 1433 , Zheng He was ordered seven times to ad as an en-voy to these countries , known as