
  • 网络Quantum
  1. 将昆腾定位为增强备份的确定无疑的领先者,拥有明确定义的产品发展规划。

    Position quantum as an established leader in enhanced backup , with a well-defined product roadmap .

  2. 二者结盟预计将缩短昆腾公司开发的环保汽车技术大规模投放市场的时间。

    The alliance is expected to shorten the time to mass market commercialisation of vehicles using the environmentally-friendly technology being developed by Quantum .

  3. 和通用合作达8年之久的昆腾公司正在开发汽车储氢燃料箱。

    The company , which has been working with GM for eight years , is developing hydrogen-storage tanks for vehicles .