
  • 网络Kwantlen polytechnic university;KPU;Kwould likelen Polytechnic University
  1. 妥善的联邦政府安排可以包括社区的梦想,例如以农业为主题的“史丹利公园”和昆特兰理工大学城市农业教育。

    Good federal uses could include the community visions of an agri-themed " Stanley Park " and Kwantlen Polytechnic University 's urban agriculture education .

  2. 沈慧刚英文名叫伊恩,当时他是昆特兰理工大学的一名交换生,正在大西洋海滨小镇尤克卢利特附近的海滩上享受午后时光。

    Shen , also known as Ian , was then an exchange student at Kwantlen Polytechnic University enjoying the afternoon on a beach near Ucluelet , a small town on the edge of the Pacific Ocean .