
  • 网络Time;chronological order;time sequence;time order
  1. 我把这些报道按时间顺序整理好了。

    I have arranged these stories in chronological order .

  2. 我还没有按时间顺序把这些照片排好。

    I haven 't got these pictures in chronological order yet .

  3. 时间顺序让这本书有了一定的结构。

    The chronological sequence gives the book an element of structure .

  4. 这个系列剧按照时间顺序记述了两个老光棍每天的奇遇。

    The series chronicles the everyday adventures of two eternal bachelors .

  5. 达菲这本书中的第二部分按时间顺序对宗教改革运动进行了详细记录。

    The second part of Duffy 's book is a detailed chronology of the Reformation .

  6. 从时间顺序上来看这是整个剧的第一场。不对,严格说来实际上是第二场。

    It is the first scene of the play chronologically . I tell a lie , it 's actually strictly speaking the second scene .

  7. 温斯洛的这部小说按时间顺序讲述了美国“禁毒之战”前30年的征程。

    Winslow 's novel chronicles the first 30 years of the US 's " war on drugs " .

  8. 在面临输入数据的时间顺序不一致的情况时,make的行为可能是无害的,也可能是不现实的。

    The behavior of make when confronted with chronologically inconsistent input data can range from harmless to surreal .

  9. PLC时间顺序循环控制程序设计常见错误分析

    Analysis of Frequent Fault in the Program Design of PLC Time Sequence and Cycle Control

  10. format选项创建一个纯文件跟踪输出文件,在此文件中跟踪记录按照时间顺序出现。

    The format option creates a plain text trace output file in which the trace records appear in chronological order .

  11. 采用CMOS数字集成电路的可编程时间顺序控制器

    Programmable Timing Sequence Controller with CMOS IC

  12. 请参考RationalSOMA以进一步了解说明这些任务的时间顺序的详细工作流。

    See Rational SOMA for further detailed workflows that illustrate the time ordering of those tasks .

  13. 由于该系统控制对象为典型的流程控制,而且其中大部分工步为时间顺序控制,因而适合采用PLC为基础的分散型控制方法。

    As the system controls is a typical process control and most steps are controlled in time order , so PLC-based distributed control method is suitable .

  14. 应用免疫组化方法检测Fos蛋白的表达及出现的时间顺序。

    Immunohistochemistry was used to detect the expression of Fos protein and its time order .

  15. 它维护了一个到目前为止对每个Purify运行都有一个HTML表格行的文件列表,反之则是按照时间顺序的。

    It maintains a list file that has one HTML table row for each Purify run so far , in reverse chronological order .

  16. 结果:产生首次初乳的时间顺序为CS组>CS-A组>NL组(P<0.05);

    Results : The order of time in the first colostrum production were CS group > CS-A group > NL group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  17. 对所用语料进行分析,探讨出该句式补状换位的两个制约条件:是否违反时间顺序制约原则;C与V是否存在语义关系。

    By analyzing the data , this paper has concluded two restrictions for complement-adverbial exchanges : the remaining of the two will violate the Principle of temporal sequence ; C and V are semantically related .

  18. 汉民族的思维方式决定了汉语的一个句子中,几个动词会按照时间顺序原则(PTS)依次出现在主语之后,从而构成连动式。

    In a sentence , serval-verbs can appear on the Principle of Time Sequence ( PTS ) after subject .

  19. 按整机生产,就是按产品结构树形成的BOM表进行投产,按装配需要时间顺序准时产出。

    As for production by machine , that is produced by BOM of production structure tree , and output by the required time assembly .

  20. 在更详细地讨论Nova之前,让我们先仔细了解一下Image服务,它按时间顺序表示Compute工作负载的开始。

    Before going into more detail on Nova , let 's take a closer look at the Image service , which , chronologically , represents the beginning of the Compute workload .

  21. 由于这些结构在形成的时间顺序和对强度贡献的程度上存在较大的差异,使石灰、粉煤灰类材料在早期(3d左右)强度形成上表现出一定的独特性。

    Because of the quite differences that these structures developing at the time sequence and their contribution to strength formation , the mixture of lime and fly-ash presents certain characteristics on strength formation during the initial time .

  22. 本文介绍以MCS-51单片机为核心的时间顺序控制器的设计原理,硬件与软件组成,以及应用情况。

    This paper introduces principle combination hardware and software of designed time order controller on the basis of MCS-51 singlechip besides its application .

  23. 从语用上看,自然语序中S1P1是话题,P是述题,这也体现了认知语言学中的时间顺序原则。

    For pragmatics , the topic is S_1P_1 and the statement is P in natural language , which embodies the principle of temporal sequence in Cognize Linguistics .

  24. 时间顺序上,POD酶活性在统计学上最先表现出显著的差异性,其次是树体干部电容,之后是树体干部阻抗,最后是PPO酶活性。

    The statistical difference of POD was showed firstly , the second index was tree stem capacitance , the third one was tree stem impedance and the last one was PPO .

  25. PLC技术应用中,时间顺序循环控制程序设计经常出现的错误是:不能实现TIM控制的顺序动作和循环控制。

    In the application of PLC Technology , the frequent faults in the program design of PLC time sequence and cycle control are that sequence act and cycle control controlled by TIM can ′ t be implemented .

  26. 因此,正确设计基本的时间顺序循环控制程序应注意I/O点、辅助点继电器线圈及TIM动作原理和动作条件;

    Therefore , proper program design of sequence and cycle control should notice as follows : make I / O point 、 coil of relay of auxiliary point and act principle and act condition of TIM definite ;

  27. 利用成像有向图的拓扑特性,基于时间顺序顶点选择策略进行顶点标记更新,生成出有向图中所有的有效准则矢量及每个准则矢量对应的一条Pareto优化路径。

    The algorithm makes use of the topological characteristic of imaging directed graph , updates the vertex labels according to time-order vertex select strategy , and achieves every efficient criteria vector and corresponding one Pareto optimal path .

  28. 依时间顺序,RANTES和SPARC早期高表达早于临床观察的排斥反应至少一周。

    In terms of temporal sequence , the earliest detection of high expression of both RANTES and SPARC was about one week preceded the clinical phenomena of cornea allograft rejection .

  29. 有些人喜欢Reddit显示关于新闻故事的评论时所采用的模式,因为它综合考虑了新闻故事评定的方法及其时间顺序这两个要素。

    Some people like Reddit 's scheme for displaying comments on stories , which takes into account how they have been rated as well as their chronology .

  30. 对实验室模拟水体监测数据表明,TFA含量总体上随时间顺序先降低后升高最后再降低,同时TFA的迁移或降解的量与水体中是否存在底泥有关。

    The monitoring data of simulated water bodies indicated that the content of TFA reduced at first , then increased sharply , and decreased finally . The migration or degradation of TFA changed with the existence of sediment water .