
  1. 在不吉祥的繁荣中探究伦敦低层人士的世界(b时代文学增刊)

    Explores a world of London lowlifes in sinister prosperity ( bTimes Literary Supplement )

  2. 消费时代文学经典的消解与重构

    The Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Literary Canons in the Consumption Era

  3. 重庆传说时代文学初探

    A Probe into Chongqing 's Literature in the Times of Legend

  4. 摘要塑造女性美是各个时代文学的主题。

    To build female charm is a subject of times literature .

  5. 视觉传媒时代文学经典的尴尬和出路

    Embarrassment and Prospects of Literary Cannons in the Visual-media Age

  6. 西欧文艺复兴时代文学与艺术的阿拉伯渊源

    The Arabian Origin of Literature and art in the Renaissance

  7. 消费时代文学经典的命运

    On the Fate of Literary Canons in the Consumer Era

  8. 互联网时代文学生态论

    On the State of Literature in the Times of Internet

  9. 媒介时代文学的生存策略与符码转换

    Survival Strategy and Code Switching for Literature in the Era of Media

  10. 论电子图像时代文学的独立品格

    Talk about the independent character of literature during the electronic image times

  11. 知识经济时代文学革命的三个主张

    Three Propositions of Literary Revolution in Intellectual Economy Era

  12. 试论大众文化时代文学经典的命运及其成因

    The Fate and Reasons of Literature Classics in the Era of Popular Culture

  13. 论大众文化时代文学的价值立场

    On literature 's position of values in commercialized Times

  14. 现代传媒时代文学的异变

    Transformation of Literature in the Modern Media Era

  15. 二是网络媒介时代文学创作主体发生改变;

    Secondly , the literary creation subject has changed in the internet media era ;

  16. 图像时代文学的新质融入与发展的可能性探讨

    Feasibility Study on the New Literary Medium in Image Times and its Future Development

  17. 不重视变质食物已成为困扰全国的问题(时代文学增刊)

    Not minding about bad food has become a national obsession ( Times Literary Supplement )

  18. 关于天才的缺点和失败的常识(时代文学增刊)

    Commonsense scholarship on the foibles and oversights of a genius ( Times Literary Supplement )

  19. 文学形态语义场是历史化的时代文学话语行为生成演变的动力场源。

    Semantics scene of literary language modality is impetus source of the evolution of literature language .

  20. 跨世纪的辉煌乐章&俄罗斯白银时代文学探究

    A Cross Century Splendid Movement & Probe into the literature of the silver times in Russia

  21. 对于伊丽莎白女王时代文学的独特研究

    A unique study of Elizabethan literature

  22. “五四”时代文学中的新青年形象,体现出一种伤感的现代性。

    The images of " new youth " in the May Fourth literature represent modernity of sentiment .

  23. 从文化的层面分析二者成为时代文学精英的深层原因。

    Analysing the causation from cutural aspect of the two writer became the cutural elites in modern world .

  24. 春秋襄昭时代文学与文化的繁荣最主要是体现在辞令上面。

    Xiang Zhao prosperity of the times the most important literature and culture is reflected in the rhetoric above .

  25. 在某种程度上可以说,她保留着一时代文学最原始、最生动的记忆图景。

    At some point , she retained an era of literature the most original and most vivid memory picture .

  26. 但文言小说总集的编选却出现了异常繁盛的局面,并与白话小说融合为这一时代文学的主流。

    However , the compiling of general anthologies of selected fiction in classical Chinese became unusually brisk and vigorous .

  27. 本文试图探讨的就是网络媒介时代文学的审美变迁问题。

    What this thesis attempts to probe into is the aesthetic changes question of literature in the internet medium era .

  28. 这种看似时代文学主流之外的思考是茅盾综合地整合五四传统与西方现实主义内在精神的结果。

    In fact , it is achieved through comprehensive integration of the May 4th literary tradition and Western realistic spirit .

  29. 数字时代文学语言的流变,是一个相当复杂的过程,影响流变因素也是多种多样。

    As a very complicated process , the causing factors of the evolution of literary language in the digital age vary .

  30. 它最终决定了中国文学精神的无限循环,也决定了我们时代文学的悲剧命运。

    It ultimately induce the limitless circulation of Chinese literature spirit and the traffic destiny of the literature in our times .