
  • 网络Time Architecture
  1. PURE的核心团队还多次在《时代建筑》、《建筑师》、《城市建筑》、《南方建筑》、《O2》等杂志发表文章。

    PURE 's writing has been published at Architects , Time Architecture , Urban Architecture , South Architecture , O2 , and etc.

  2. 传统元素在时代建筑精神传承中的应用

    On the application of the traditional elements in the spiritual inheritance of the time architecture

  3. 信息时代建筑的探索者&荷兰NOX作品解读

    The explorer of architecture in information age : reading the works of NOx

  4. 《时代建筑》2000-2003年统计分析

    A Statistical Analysis of Time + Architecture from 2000 to 2003

  5. 知识经济时代建筑业发展对策的思考

    Thoughts on countermeasures of construction industry development in time of knowledge economy

  6. 信息时代建筑非线性三维形态研究

    The Study of Nonlinear Forms of Architecture in the Era of Information

  7. 他们出版一套有关各个时代建筑的丛书。

    They do a series on architecture throughout the ages .

  8. 信息时代建筑领域新特征研究

    A new character study on the field of architecture in the information society

  9. 新媒体时代建筑的美学倾向

    Esthetics tendency of architecture in new media time

  10. 新时代建筑的借鉴与创新

    Reference And Innovation Of New-Time Architecture

  11. 从谨言、瘖哑、饶舌到互动&信息时代建筑的表情和语境

    Discreet , Dumb , Loquacious Interactive Speakers New Architectural Facial Expressions Language Contexts in the Information Time

  12. 其中的一些优秀典范还将是这个时代建筑发展的真实体现。

    Some of these excellent example will also be a true reflection of this era building development .

  13. 诺曼·福斯特的时代建筑作品向我们展现了建筑设计的过去,现在和未来。

    Architect for the ages Norman Foster looks to the Past , Present and Future of Building Design

  14. 对新时代建筑的未来,提出了科学与生活融合以及科学与艺术融合的发展方向。

    The future of architecture is heading toward the inosculation between science and life , between science and art .

  15. 国际思维中的地域特征与地域特征中的国际化品质&时代建筑杂志20年的思考

    Local Characteristics in Internationalized Thinking and International Qualities in Local Characteristics : Reflections on Twenty Years of Time + Architecture

  16. 如果你想观光,乔治王朝时代建筑风格的爱丁堡城堡是非常神圣的。

    If you 'd rather sightsee , you 'll find the Edinburgh Castle , a Georgian sprawl , to be just divine .

  17. 中国的时代建筑要积极发展地方建筑流派,体现中国建筑文化传统的神韵。

    The building and architecture of present should exhibit the spirit of traditional culture of architecture by developing the local architecture schools .

  18. 地域文化和时代建筑的追求&海南广场会议中心创作理念

    Pursuing the Regional Culture and the Ethos of the Times & An Idea of the Creation for the Conference Center on Hainan Square

  19. 通过对建筑的自然属性和人文属性的剖析,论述了知识经济时代建筑节能和可持续发展的关系。

    Discusses the relationship of building energy efficiency and sustainable development at the knowledge economy era by analyzing the natural and social properties of buildings .

  20. 面对当前世界纷繁复杂的建筑现象,没有对信息时代建筑的审美思维的研究,就不可能实现建筑创作领域新层次的超越。

    Facing the complex architecture phenomenon of today , no study of information architectural aesthetic conception , no advancement on the field of architecture creation .

  21. 宏伟的金泽城堡是当地规模最大的武士时代建筑遗迹。这座白色建筑坐落在山顶,可以360度鸟瞰整座城市。

    Kanazawa 's largest architectural relic ofthe samurai age is the stunning white Kanazawa Castle , resting on a hill thatoffers 360-degree views of the city .

  22. 传达出尊重彼时彼地的老建筑,创造此时此地的时代建筑的观点。

    Is it respect old building of ground another at that time to express , create era view of building of this place at this moment .

  23. 围绕这三个方面观察现在建筑发展的新方向和新思路,寻找新时代建筑的特点。

    Observation of these three areas around the building development is now a new direction and new ideas , looking for a new era of architectural features .

  24. 简要回顾了印度莫卧儿时代建筑的发展历程,分析了莫卧儿建筑装饰风格特征,并论述其形成原因。

    Reviewed the history of Mughal architecture , this paper analyzes the character of the decorative style of the Mughal architecture and discusses the cause of its formation .

  25. 在巨石阵附近发现的8座石器时代建筑中,有2座与主要的居住区分离,周围有着木篱笆和沟渠。

    Two of the eight Stone Age buildings uncovered near Stonehenge were set apart from the main settlement , surrounded by a timber fence and a substantial ditch .

  26. 创造民族的时代建筑文化,继承传统文化,要认真学习国外的优秀文化,百花齐放以繁荣我国的建筑创作。

    We should create the national architectural culture , inherit the traditional culture and learn the foreign excellent culture trying to make the architectural of our country flourishing .

  27. 建筑部品不同于普通建筑构件,它是物质的集成也是信息的集成,是一个信息的载体,是信息时代建筑工业化发展的基础。

    Building Components Unlike ordinary building members , it is a carrier of information , is the basis for the construction of industrial development of the information age .

  28. 墙上的壁龛是为放置装饰性立像而设计的,这与纽约同时代建筑的设计理念极其相似。

    The niche in the wall is designed to put the ornament statue and this concept of design is quite similar to the modern architecture style of New York .

  29. 随着新时代建筑理论与技术的更新发展,逐渐形成了以新型材料和对传统材料艺术表现力再创新的建筑语言,砖材料新的表现潜能日益引起人们的关注。

    With the development of new architectural theory and technology , has formed an architectural language of new materials and re-innovation of traditional materials . The new expression potential of brick material increasingly causes the attention of people .

  30. 至少在伦敦和欧洲确实如此,而本月的《建筑精神》节目,就要介绍诺曼·福斯特建筑设计背后的动力,还有他对当今这个时代建筑的看法。

    Certainly here in London and around Europe , but what drives the designs of Norman Foster and what does he make of today 's age of architecture is part of this month 's Spirit of Architecture program .