
  • 网络Japan Energy
  1. 美国和日本能源消费比较对我国的启示

    The Comparison between America and Japan Energy Consumption and Its Enlightenment to China

  2. 第三部分介绍了日本能源战略的新动向,从传统能源和新能源利用两方面分析了日本能源战略的未来走向。

    The third part , we can see a new trend of Japan energy stratagem both in traditional energy and new energy .

  3. 日本能源发展战略分析

    A Tentative Discussion on Japan 's Energy Resource Development Strategy

  4. 然而,日本能源危机还远远没有解决。

    Yet Japan 's energy problems are far from resolved .

  5. 日本能源政策:演进与构成

    Japanese Policy of Energy Sources : Evolution and Structure

  6. 日本能源供需现状及能源结构演变分析

    Japan 's Energy Supply , Demand and Structural Changes

  7. 日本能源立法执行情况及对我国的启示

    Implementation of Energy Legislation in Japan and the Revelation

  8. 日本能源垄断企业——拽高成本,扼杀创新

    Japan 's power monopolies raise costs and stifle innovation

  9. 日本能源利用的最新动态与大气保护的开发

    The Newest State of Energy Use and Development of Air Pollution Controls in Japan

  10. 事故发生前,核电占到了日本能源需求的30%。

    Before the accident , nuclear power produced thirty percent of Japan 's energy needs .

  11. 通过对日本能源政策的横向和竖向分析,试图展现战后日本能源政策的全景。

    Based on the complete analysis , the overview of Japanese energy police after World War2 turns out .

  12. 过去在谈及核电技术时,菅直人曾表示,核电将继续作为日本能源政策的“支柱”之一。

    Mr Kan had previously referred to the technology as continuing to be a " pillar " of energy policy .

  13. 但这位上台不久的首相向议会承诺,将在未来几个月内检讨日本能源政策,并说日本应探索新的可持续能源。

    But the new prime minister pledged to review the country 's energy policy in the coming months , telling lawmakers Japan should explore new sources of sustainable energy .

  14. 日本能源政策的一个突出特点是积极拓宽能源获取渠道,特别是保证优质能源石油的安全供应,同时从安全和环境考虑,积极开发新能源和省资源能源型产业政策。

    The prominent feature of the Japanese energy policy is to widen its energy source actively , particularly to ensure the safety supply of petroleum . At the same time Japan develop actively the new energy and the industry policy of energy economical in view of safety and environment .

  15. 本研究是由日本新能源与工业技术发展机构(NEDO)组织进行的。

    This research was organized in part by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization , Japan ( NEDO ) .

  16. 革新人士敦促打日本打破能源垄断局势。

    Reformers urge the break-up of Japan 's power monopolies .

  17. 日本的能源战略及对中国的借鉴

    The Japanese Energy Strategy and Its Reference to China

  18. 方兴未艾的日本新能源技术

    New Technology Energy Technology Japan 's Developing Energy Technology

  19. 日本新能源的开发和应用动向

    Development and utilization trend of new energy in Japan

  20. 日本可再生能源产业在发展之初就受到阻碍。

    Japan strangled its renewable industry at birth .

  21. 尽管取得了很大成就,日本对能源危机并不能高枕无忧。

    Yet despite remarkable progress , Japan is not free of energy worries yet .

  22. 近日,由于股票大跌,日本电力能源公司一直担心自己良好的信誉。

    TEPCO , with its shares hammered , now faces worries about its creditworthiness .

  23. 但专家很难想象如果没有核电站,日本的能源需求要怎样得到满足。

    Experts , however , can barely imagine Japan meeting its energy needs without them .

  24. 日本的能源管理和经济

    Energy management and economics in Japan

  25. 不幸的是,在日本,能源的生产和运输被分割成十个区域的半垄断,阻碍了那些革新。

    Unfortunately , power generation and transmission inJapanis carved up into ten regional quasi-monopolies , which stifle such innovations .

  26. 日本电力能源企业联合会原本估计到2030年的时候,日本将有近一半的能源来自核能。

    Japan 's Federation of Electric Power Companies anticipates that rising to almost half the energy output by 2030 .

  27. 日本电力能源企业联合会期望,到2030年,日本一半的能量来自核电站。

    Japan 's Federation of Electric Power Companies s that rising to almost half the energy output by 2030 .

  28. 企业界辩称,作为一个依赖石油进口的国家,日本的能源使用效率已经很高,进一步减排可能损及经济。

    Business argues that oil-import dependent Japan is already highly energy efficient and that further emission reductions could undermine the economy .

  29. 对矿物燃料依赖度的下降以及在矿物燃料中石油不再一家独大增强了日本应对能源危机的能力。

    The change in the level and composition of fossil fuel dependence has reduced the vulnerability of Japan to energy shocks .

  30. 日本是能源进口大国,四年前福岛核电站遭海啸破坏后关闭核反应堆以来,日本对能源进口更加依赖。

    Japan is a huge energy importer , more so since it closed its nuclear reactors after a tsunami struck the Fukushima plant four years ago .