
  1. 在广为传媒关注的东芝笔记本电脑事件中,东芝公司以中国与美国法律不同为由,拒绝给予中国消费者赔偿。

    In incident of Toshiba Notebook Computer followed with interest by media , Toshiba Company refused to compensate Chinese consumers with the excuse that Chinese law is different from American law .

  2. 东芝夸大利润事件始于2008年。一份独立报告将这一丑闻归咎于公司高层施加压力,要求达到难以完成的目标,以及不许员工挑战老板的企业文化。田中久雄在东京面对众多记者的摄像镜头鞠躬致歉,引咎辞职。

    An independent report blamed the scandal on pressure from company leaders to meet difficult targets and a corporate culture that did not allow for employees to challenge their bosses . CEO Hisao Tanaka bowed before cameras in Tokyo and took blame for the scheme , which dates back to 2008 .