
  • 网络Nihondaira;Nihon-daira Plateau
  1. 日本平户市&税收优惠政策有各种各样的形式。

    HIRADO , Japan & Tax breaks come in many forms .

  2. 日本平户市——税收优惠政策有各种各样的形式。

    HIRADO , Japan - Tax breaks come in many forms .

  3. 1994年第二季度,日本gdp平减指数达到峰值,此后已累计下滑17%(同期,美国该指数上升42%)该指数是最常用的价格水平衡量标准。

    The most general measure of the level of prices , the GDP deflator , peaked in Japan in the second quarter of 1994 and has fallen a cumulative 17 per cent since then ( in the same period the US deflator is up 42 per cent ) .

  4. 这是日本的平冢,平冢距离东京大约一个小时的火车车程。

    This is where I grow up in Hiratsuka , Japan Hiratsuka is about one hour by train from Tokyo .

  5. 上海篇:蕴蕴是个高中生,来中留学的日本男孩修平租住在她的楼上。

    Chapter Shanghai : Yunyun is a student of high school and Japanese boy Kepen lives in the second floor of her house .

  6. 据75岁的日本研发者平贺柳泽介绍,这架重75公斤的直升机将于本月25日在佛罗伦萨附近的达芬奇市进行试飞。

    The75-kilogram helicopter will make a demonstration flight in the city of Vinci , near Florence , on May25 , according to Japanese developer Gennai Yanagisawa , 75 .

  7. 从名义上说,日本是和个平主义国家。

    On paper , Japan is a pacifist nation .

  8. 日本人对水有一种特殊的理解和认识,这一点在日本文学名著《平家物语》中有所体现。

    Japanese has one kind peculiar understanding and cognition to water , which is embodied in Japan famous literary work 《 Hekemonogatari 》 .

  9. 日本的K.王羲之书法与日本平假名的产生

    Study results given by K. Wang Xi-zhi 's Handwriting and the Birth of Japanese Hiragana

  10. 1639年葡萄牙人被驱逐出日本,荷兰商馆由日本的平户搬迁到出岛,取代葡萄牙人占据了日欧贸易的市场。

    While the Portuguese were banished out of Japan in1639 , the Dutch Trading House was moved from Hirado to Dejima and the Dutch monopolized the Japan-Europe trading market instead .