
rì běn jūn ɡuó zhǔ yì
  • Japanese Militarism
  1. 日本军国主义及其侵略扩张本质

    The Japanese Militarism and Its Nature of Invasion and Extension

  2. 日本军国主义曾经给人类带来惨绝人寰的灾难。

    Japanese militarism once caused the very grave disaster to Asian people .

  3. 论日本军国主义倾向及其原因

    On the Trend and Reasons of Japan 's Imperialism

  4. 浅析日本军国主义无条件投降原因

    On the Cause of Japanese Militarism 's Unconditional Surrender

  5. 朝鲜战争与日本军国主义的复活

    The Korean War and the Revival of Japanese Militarism

  6. 首先,日本军国主义思想的核心是侵略扩张思想。

    First , the central concept of Japanese militarism ideology is the aggression ideology .

  7. 事实上,除了日本军国主义外,天皇对战争负有直接责任。

    In fact , besides the Japanese militarism , Mikado shouldered the direct responsibilities .

  8. 日本军国主义对中华民族的侵略值得每个中国人铭记于心。

    The Japanese invasion of China is worth being embalmed by every Chinese people .

  9. 略论日本军国主义思想的形成

    On the Formation of Japanese Militarism Thought

  10. 和魂不等于和平之魂&日本军国主义死灰复燃的潜在诱因

    Latent Causes of Resurgence of Japanese Militarism

  11. 论武士道与日本军国主义&传统的再编与抵抗的失败

    On Bushido and Japanese Militarism & A reproduction of tradition and a failure in resistance

  12. 论日本军国主义的思想根源

    On Thought Roots of Japanese Militarism

  13. 日本军国主义与强权政治

    Japanese Militarism and Power Politics

  14. 东史郎日记中所反映出来的东史郎的思想变化,具有相当的典型意义,它直接导致了日本军国主义思想在战争中破产的结局。

    Siro Azuma 's view changes are very typical which directly reflects the breakdown of Japanese militarism .

  15. 它是迫使日本军国主义无条件投降的最具决定性的力量之一。

    It was one of the most decisive factors to compel the Japanese militarists to an unconditional surrender .

  16. 日本军国主义根源探析&岛国环境、骑马民族、历史特点与日本军国主义

    On the Root of Japanese Militarism & Island Country , Riding Nation , Historical Characteristic and Japanese Militarism

  17. 它积极扶植日本军国主义和西德军国主义,作为它发动世界战争的主要帮手。

    It is actively fostering Japanese and West German militarism as its chief accomplices in unleashing a world war .

  18. 社会达尔文主义,它为近代日本军国主义思想的进一步发展提供了新的理论支持,等等。

    Social Darwinism , which has provided a new theory support for further development of the modern Japan militarism ideology .

  19. 近代以来武士道被日本军国主义完全利用,成为了侵略、扩张的精神工具。

    In recent years , the Japanese militarists have taken advantage of Bushido as a way of justifying aggression and expansion .

  20. 但其最后结果,是东北人民的民族觉醒和日本军国主义的灭亡。

    However , it turned out that the awakening of all the northeast people , and the failure of Japanese Militarism .

  21. 在近代史上,韩国与中国是遭受日本军国主义侵略最早、伤害最严重的国家。

    In the modern history Korea and China are first two countries that were invaded by Japan and suffered the most .

  22. 即使在日本军国主义发动侵华战争时,也有很多日本人在反对侵略。

    Even during the years when Japanese militarists were waging a war of aggression against China , many Japanese opposed the war .

  23. 日本军国主义的本质是强权政治。强权政治是日本近代以来国家战略的基本内涵。

    The essence of Japanese militarism is power politics , which is the basic connotation of its state strategy since modern Japan .

  24. 与此同时,大量描写日本军国主义对中华民族侵略的电视剧、电影以及文学作品也出现在人们眼前。

    Meanwhile , there appears a great deal of teleplays , movies , and literary works about the Japanese invasion of China .

  25. 但是,日本军国主义,还有德国希特勒,也是照这个规律,没几年就倒了台。

    Nevertheless , like Germany 's Hitler the Japanese militarists collapsed in a few years , in accordance with the same law .

  26. “贤妻良母主义”是战时体制下日本军国主义推行的日本“妇德”存伪满洲国的移植。

    This philosophy was a transplant of Japanese promotion of " women 's virtue " under the domination of militarism during the WWII .

  27. 小泉纯一郎说,他的参拜是纪念战争亡灵,而不是美化日本军国主义。

    Junichiro Koizumi said his visits to the shrine are meant to honor the war dead , not to glorify japan 's militarism .

  28. 北川以犀利的眼光观察现实的黑暗与丑陋,并通过诗歌尖锐地批判了日本军国主义的殖民扩张行径。

    He viewed the darkness and ugliness in the actual life with keen visions , and criticized sharply the colonial expansion of Japanese Militarism .

  29. 这种国家主义的学术自由观在现实中与学术的真正自由时常发生冲突,并最终随着日本军国主义的覆灭而坠落。

    The nationalistic academic view is often in conflict with the real academic freedom and finally fell with the collapse of the Japanese militarism .

  30. 通过梳理前人在此方面的研究成果,分析日本军国主义的思想体系,我们可以找到一些文化层面的重要原因。

    Through reorganizing the predecessor in this aspect research and analyzing Japanese militarism ideology , we can explore some important reason of its cultural level .