
rì biàn huà
  • diurnal variation
  1. C3植物光合效率的日变化

    Diurnal Variation of Photosynthetic Efficiency in C_3 Plants

  2. 在2003年9月2日光合速率的日变化12:00时,处理B要远远大于对照,增加比例为24.35%;

    Compare diurnal variation of net photosynthetic rate of treatment B to that of control at 12:00 , Sep.

  3. 近地层空气湿度的日变化与温度相反。Air(初三适用)

    The daily change of air humidity in surface layer is contrary to that of temperature .

  4. 退化草地暗沃寒冻雏形土CO2释放的日变化和季节动态

    No-hair day diel and seasonal changes of carbon dioxide emission from mollic-cryic Cambisols on degraded grassland

  5. 锡林河流域羊草群落春季CO2排放日变化特征分析

    The Analysis of Diurnal Variation of CO_2 Flux in Leymus chinensis Grassland of Xilin River Basin

  6. 森林蒸散量日变化特点是白天高于夜间,中午最高,夜间潜热通量和显热通量(H)有低估的现象;

    Forest evapotranspiration was higher in the daytime than that at night , with the highest value occurring at noon .

  7. 湿度日变化来看,无论晴、阴、雨湿度日变化均呈U形。

    In sunny , cloudy or rain day , the humidity changes were on U-shaped .

  8. 文章还模拟了PAN,OH自由基和HCHO这三种重要物种的日变化规律。

    We also simulated the daily changes of PAN , OH and HCHO .

  9. 钾营养对水稻光合速率(Pn)、Hill反应及SOD活力日变化的影响

    Effect of Potassium on Diurnal Variations in Pn , Hill Reaction and SOD Activities in Rice Plant

  10. 自然光下,石斛的光合速率日变化呈V型,12:00时光合速率最低。

    Daily change of photosynthesis for dendrobium shows V type and there is the lowest photosynthesis at noon under natural light .

  11. 1首先分析了长江口SST的日变化。

    Firstly it is analyzed the daily SST variation in the Changjiang estuary .

  12. 不同砧木红星苹果树含水量的日变化呈V形曲线。

    Diurnal changes of relative water content of Starking apple trees on different rootstocks presented as a " V " shaped curve .

  13. 水分利用效率日变化格局有所不同,且随CO2浓度增加而增大。

    The daily patterns of water use efficiency are different and water use efficiency enhances with carbon dioxide concentration increasing .

  14. 研究发现,漠河地区近地面臭氧日变化明显,其峰值出现在每日10:00(北京时间)左右,并早于紫外辐射(UV)峰值出现时间。

    Its peak usually appeared around 1000 LST ( Local Standard Time ), which was earlier than the UV peak appearance .

  15. 实验得到的视渗透率数据与渗透率具有较好的相关性。CH4排放的日变化与温度日变化的相关性很好(R>0.90)。

    The diurnal variation of CH4 emission rate correlates very well with the temperature ( R > 0.90 ) .

  16. 对所有草原植物生长季节,CO2净排放日变化形式均为白天出现排放低值,夜间出现排放高值。

    The daily emissions of CO2 from steppe vegetation in growing seasons are low during the daytime and high at night .

  17. 但是,大气中的CO柱总量受到气象条件的重要影响,影响CO柱总量逐日变化和日变化的气象因子主要有大气稳定度、风速和风向等。

    However , the variation of CO column amount is closely dependent on meteorological condition , mainly including atmospheric stability , wind speed and wind direction .

  18. 结果显示,在玛尼7.5级地震和江西九江5.7级临震前,震中周围出现区域性Z分量日变化幅度异常现象。

    The anomalies of diurnal-variation amplitude near the epicentral area have been also studied before Mani M_S7.5 earthquake and Jiujiang M_S5.7 earthquake .

  19. N2O通量季节变化和年际变化差异不显著,并且无明显的日变化规律。

    The seasonal , interannual and diurnal variability of N2O fluxes was not significant .

  20. 光合速率的日变化在12:00时B处理要远远大于对照,增加比例为24.35%;穗位叶蒸腾速率B处理明显大于对照,2003年各坡度平均增加282.8%,2002年为350.4%。

    Compare diurnal variation of net photosynthetic rate of treatment B to that of check at 12:00 , Sep.2 , 2003 , far more was increased , the increasing rate was 24.35 % ;

  21. O3浓度呈明显的日变化,一般在下午浓度较高,上午和夜晚较低;

    It is higher in the afternoon and lower in the morning and evening .

  22. 08时(北京时,下同)TC平均增强速度最快,14时最慢,平均减弱速度无明显日变化特征;

    TC deepens fastest at 08:00 Beijing Time and slowest at 14:00 Beijing Time . The average filling rate shows no obvious daily variation .

  23. 冬、春季的日变化曲线呈U形,且曲线形状的变化不如夏、秋季大。

    The diurnal variation curves in winter and spring present marked saddle shapes , and the change of curves shape is not obvious in summer and autumn .

  24. 以Rubisco抗体建立单向免疫扩散法,定量测定Rubisco含量,研究小麦叶片光合作用日变化过程中Rubisco含量及其活力的变化。

    Rubisco content was quantified by simple agar diffusion .

  25. 各处理不影响净光和速率(pn)的日变化趋势,但对Pn值得大小有影响。

    All the trimming method did not effect the daily change tendency of Pn , but could effect the numerical value of Pn .

  26. 结果表明:1叶片净光合速率Pn具有明显的日变化。

    The main results showed as follows . ( 1 ) The net photosynthetic rate ( Pn ) of leaves have obvious diurnal changes .

  27. 不同叶位叶片Pn的日变化规律基本相同,均呈单峰曲线型,高峰出现在12时左右。

    The diurnal variation of Pn in leaves at different positions were one peak pattern curve , and the peak appeared at 12 o'clock .

  28. 测定结果表明三者的光合速率、气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度、蒸腾速率日变化均为“双峰”曲线。

    Results showed that diurnal courses of photosynthetic rates , stomatal conductance , intercellular CO2 concentration , and transpiration rate of the3 species were the double-peak type curves .

  29. 小麦Rubisco抗体的制备及其抗体在光合作用日变化研究中的应用

    Preparation of the Antibody of Rubisco and Application in Diurnal Change of Photosynthetic in Wheat

  30. 阴天天气条件下,4个柑橘品种的Pn日变化规律模式均为单峰曲线,最大值出现在上午11∶00。

    In overcast day , all citrus presented one peak curve in diurnal variation of Pn and the maximum value occurred at 11 : 00 .