
wú yán yǐ duì
  • speechless;have nothing to say in reply;quite at a loss to reply;unable to find and answer
无言以对[wú yán yǐ duì]
  1. 这段由埃及媒体ElWady播出的视频采访中,这个预科学校一年级男孩阿里-艾哈迈德发表了惊人见解,对穆斯林兄弟会的谴责声讨令人无言以对。

    In a video interview with Egyptian news outlet El Wady , first grader Ali Ahmed delivers an incredibly precocious condemnation of the Muslim Brotherhood that will leave you speechless .

  2. 谷歌(Google)的AlphaGo电脑再度击败世界围棋冠军,在这种古老的中国棋类游戏的五局“人机对战”中连胜两局。赛后,人类围棋高手坦承“无言以对”,而机器的设计者表示意外。

    Google 's AlphaGo computer is two ahead in its five-game match of wits against the world champion of the ancient Chinese game of Go , leaving the human competitor " speechless " and the designer behind the machine surprised .

  3. 罪证俱在,他张口结舌,无言以对。

    Brought before the evidence of his crimes , he was awe-struck and could say nothing in his defence .

  4. 罗恩·内斯万尼尔(RonNyswaner),《被拒人生》编剧:每当开会的时候,有什么高管说,某场戏让女主人公显得不可爱,我都会觉得无言以对。

    RON NYSWANER , SCREENWRITER , " FREEHELD " Whenever I 'm in a meeting and an executive says this particular moment makes her unlikable , I just draw a complete blank .

  5. 我只能对好心朋友摇摇头,无言以对。

    I can only kind friend shook his head , speechless .

  6. 引用的事实和数据很快使他无言以对。

    Quoting facts and figures quickly drove him into a corner .

  7. 他在老人们出示的房产证面前无言以对。

    He was speechless when confronted with the elders'evidence and certificates .

  8. 我尝试着去回答,但却无言以对。

    I try to answer , but there is no word .

  9. 我心如刀绞,无言以对。

    My heart is aching , and I can tell them nothing .

  10. 他们太紧张了,呆呆地看着地板,无言以对。

    The men stared at the floor , too nervous to reply .

  11. 孩子话令父母感到非常震惊,以至于无言以对。

    These words struck the parents so much that they were speechless .

  12. 一时间我无言以对。

    For a moment , I couldn 't reply .

  13. 南希顿时觉得无言以对,只是点了点头。

    Nancy nodded , suddenly unable to find words .

  14. 而我再也不能去爱,你让我无言以对。

    And I will never love again , u 've left me speechless .

  15. 那一刻,布莱尔似乎无言以对。

    For once Mr Blair seemed lost for words .

  16. 迷茫之中,我无言以对。

    Among the confusion , I am speechless .

  17. 试着给你打个消磨时光电话却又无言以对。

    I try to call but I don 't know what to tell you .

  18. 她讥讽的话语使他无言以对。

    She withered him with her sarcastic remarks .

  19. 换句话,你是心怀内疚而无言以对吧。

    In other words you dare not speak because you know you 're guilty .

  20. 儿子说完后,这个富有的爸爸无言以对。

    At the end of the son 's reply , the rich father was speechless .

  21. 你的话太出乎意料了,以致我简直无言以对。

    Your remarks were so unexpected that I find myself at a loss for words .

  22. 人们要么无言以对,要么就丢给你很没有说服力的答案。

    Then you either got nothing at all , or you got very lame responses .

  23. 亲爱的父亲您的确老了,老得让我们无言以对无所适从。

    Dear father , You are really old , old that we can 't do anything and world .

  24. 好.很好.你让我无言以对.我是和我父母一起来度假的

    Fine . Okay , fine . You caught me . I 'm on vacation here with my parents

  25. 他使劲眨了眨眼睛再看,还是没有。对苏丹他无言以对。

    He closed his eyes , opened them and looked again , and he had no answer for the Sultan .

  26. 当伊娃和帕克宣布离婚时,我吃惊地瞪大了眼睛,无言以对。

    When Eva and Park announced that they divorced , I was so surprised that I goggled with no words .

  27. 他问我,人们为什么喜欢杀动物?我无言以对。

    And he asked me why people like to kill animal , I don 't know how to answer him .

  28. 当小孙子奥斯卡问到他的父亲为什么会死去的时候,维塔美·格罗夫纳无言以对。

    Vertamae Grosvenor searched for answers to her young grandson 's questions of " why ? " when his father died .

  29. 我当时无言以对,因为我不知道如何告诉他想听的话,“玛莎说。”

    I was speechless because I didn 't know how to tell him what he wanted to hear ," Martha said . "

  30. 我…我被震到了,而且非常惊诧,不管你信不信,那一刹我竟无言以对。

    I was ... I was so impressed and surprised that , whether you believe it or not , momentarily I was speechless .