
  1. 基于ADVISOR的无级变速汽车速比的综合控制

    Integrated Ratio Control for Vehicles with CVT Based on ADVISOR

  2. 本文针对由发动机、离合器、CVT传动系统和汽车载荷构成的汽车整体模型,建立了无级变速汽车传动系统数学模型。

    According to the principle of mechanical transmission , the mathematical model of transmission system , composed of the engine , the electromagnetic clutch , CVT and the load , is established .

  3. 无级变速汽车综合控制策略的仿真研究

    Simulating Study on the Integrated Control Strategy of Automobile with CVT

  4. 无级变速汽车控制系统的仿真

    Simulation of a Continuously Variable Transmission Control System for Automobiles

  5. 无级变速汽车驾驶模拟器的模糊控制器设计

    Design for fuzzy controller of driving simulator of automobile with CVT system

  6. 无级变速汽车速度巡航模糊控制器的研究

    A Study on the Cruise Fuzzy Control System of Vehicles with CVT

  7. 无级变速汽车的自适应模糊控制研究

    Study on the adaptive fuzzy control for CVT vehicle

  8. 双状态无级变速汽车的起步加速性能明显好于装备五档手动变速器的汽车,而且加速平稳,无换档冲击。

    Vehicle equipped with CVT is better starting and acceleration performance than equipped with MT.

  9. 为开发设计双状态无级变速汽车提供理论依据。

    The research results provide the theory method of analysing and designing for CVT vehicle .

  10. 基于新型军用无级变速汽车动态匹配控制仿真研究

    Matching control and simulation research on new-typed vehicle of continuously variable transmission system for army

  11. 事实上,加速度的无级变速汽车快得多的汽车自动变速器相比。

    In actual fact , the acceleration of the CVT vehicle is much faster compared to the automatic transmission vehicle .

  12. 两个引擎都将以该车带有五速手动变速箱作为标准配置,与无级变速汽车是2.0升上的一个选项。

    Both engines are offered with a five-speed manual gearbox as standard , with a CVT auto being an option on the2.0-litre .

  13. 为了设计无级变速汽车自动驾驶模拟器的模糊控制器,建立了简化的无级变速汽车驾驶模拟器模型。

    To design fuzzy controller for driving simulator of automobile with CVT system , the simple driving simulator model of automobile with CVT is established .

  14. 为了研究无级变速汽车的综合控制策略及设计综合控制系统,建立了简化的汽车动态模型。

    To study integrated control strategy and design integrated control system of automobile with CVT system , the simple dynamic model of automobile is established in this paper .

  15. 作者在详细分析金属带式无级变速汽车传动系工作机理和变速特性的基础上,运用键合图理论,建立了该传动系统的键合图分析模型,推导出无级变速传动的状态方程。

    By studying the transmission mechanism and ratio change characteristics of Metal Pushing Continuously Variable Transmission system , and using the bond graph theory , a bond graph model of continuously variable transmission is established in this paper , and the state space function is derived .

  16. 无级自动变速汽车起步综合控制策略

    Synthetic Control Strategy for a Car With Hydro-mechanical Continuously Variable Transmission System at Standing Start

  17. 无级变速箱CVT汽车自诊断系统由几个部分组成:TCU电路板上的针对CVT汽车实时的诊断系统;

    The fault diagnosis system consists several parts : the real-time diagnosis system of TCU that based on CVT .

  18. 金属带无级变速器是汽车用变速器发展的新方向。

    The metal V-belt is a new tendency of automobile transmission .

  19. 无级变速混合动力汽车动力耦合及速比控制研究

    Study on Power Coupler and Ratio Control for HEV with Continuously Variable Transmission

  20. 无级变速传动是汽车的一种理想传动方式。

    Continuously variable transmission ( CVT ) is an ideal transmission for automobile .

  21. 无级变速器是汽车传动技术的重要发展领域之一。

    Continuously variable transmission is one of the important development fields of the transmission technology of the automobile .

  22. 并对当前基于无级变速器的汽车动力传动系的主要控制方法做了简单分析,分别阐述了在不同工况下的控制方法以及先进控制理论在基于无级变速器的控制中的应用。

    According to different operations , different control approaches were discussed and fuzzy control in the CVT-based powertrain control was presented .

  23. 无级变速传动是汽车理想的传动方式,目前金属带式无级变速器已经获得了较为广泛的应用。

    CVT is the ideal transmission for vehicle , metal belt CVT has been a comprehensive applications at the present time .

  24. 提出了无级自动变速器汽车起步控制策略,使汽车在起步过程中,实现了发动机在低速下稳定运行,缩短了起步时间,减少了起步的冲击。

    Control strategy involved in this paper , which can make motor stably running at low speed in starting process can decrease initiative time and initiative attack .

  25. 随着节能和环保要求的日益提高,能够连续改变传动比,进而改善汽车动力性、经济性和排放指标的无级变速器成为汽车变速器的主要发展方向。

    With the increasing demand of fuel economy and emissions , continuously variable transmission ( CVT ) which can improve drivability , fuel economy and emissions by changing gear ratio continuously became the main development trend of automotive transmissions .