
  1. 所以无形的含义他应该转移到了,这个更有力更大胆的定义上来。

    So maybe by invisible he should have moved to this stronger , bolder definition of invisible .

  2. 但是,这是第一次有无形的东西拿他来命名!

    But this is the first time he has ever had an intangible concept named after him .

  3. 关于这一点,司命运诸神那个无形的警官…他一径监视着我,

    this the invisible police officer of the Fates , who has the constant surveillance of me ,

  4. 但是他却会让这种无形的造星力量为他所用。

    But he is taking advantage of the same underlying1 forces that gave them star power .

  5. 听到他的声音,Arren停了下来,仿佛一只无形的手抓住了他挥剑的手臂。

    At the sound of his voice Arren was stopped , as if a hand had grasped his sword-arm .

  6. 天空里无形的阻力还在对他起作用,他很不顺当地转过身子大模大样地向自己的车子走去。

    Still working against that invisible resistance in the air , he jerkily pivoted and began to strut toward his car .

  7. 富商古福成为了息事宁人,交了六亿元赎款,仍遭勒索。古欲逃遁,却有一只无形的手操纵着他,他与美丽而妖冶的情妇的性戏也被曝光。

    In order to gets out of this case , the rich merchant Gu Fu hands in600 million but he still is blackmailed .