
  • 网络new amsterdam;NEWAMSTERDAM;nieuw amsterdam;Nieuw-Amsterdam
  1. 350年前,荷兰人将新阿姆斯特丹(NewAmsterdam)割让给了英国;如今,他们有几个富有创造力的后裔正在夺回这处阵地。

    Three hundred and fifty years after the Dutch surrendered New Amsterdam to the British , several of their more creative descendants are reclaiming this turf .

  2. 她的姐妹们便可安全前往新阿姆斯特丹

    her siblings received safe passage to New Amsterdam

  3. 荷兰人是移居纽约的第一批殖民。1624年时,他们在阿尔班尼(Albany)的附近建立了奥伦治城(FortOrange);隔年,又在曼哈顿岛(islandofManhattan)上建立了新阿姆斯特丹(NewAmsterdam)。

    The Dutch were the first settlers in New York , establishing Fort Orange near Albany in1624 and New Amsterdam on the island of Manhattan a year later .

  4. 我曾经被称为新阿姆斯特丹,但后于1664年被一位英国公爵重新命名。

    I was once known as New Amsterdam , but I was renamed in 1664 after an English Duke .

  5. 本周一,她将重返新阿姆斯特丹(今纽约市)剧院,为百老汇关怀中心举办的第19届募捐义演活动登台演出。

    She will be back at the New Amsterdam Theater to perform in the19th Broadway Cares fund-raising gala on Monday .

  6. 荷兰的殖民地新尼德兰部分组成的现代纽约(新阿姆斯特丹)和新泽西州。

    The Dutch colony of New Netherland consisted of parts of modern New York ( New Amsterdam ) and New Jersey .

  7. 荷兰殖民者于17世纪将此传统带到了其美洲殖民地新阿姆斯特丹(即现在的纽约)。

    Dutch colonists took this tradition with them to New Amsterdam ( now New York City ) in the American colonies in the17th century .

  8. “重新走上新阿姆斯特丹剧院的舞台真是令人又激动又愉快,我的歌舞剧生涯正是从这里开始的。”1926年,特拉维斯和男星艾尔-乔森搭档,在一部舞台剧中担任女主角。

    It is very thrilling and very delightful to step out onto that [ New ] Amsterdam Theater , where my career in musical comedy theatre started .

  9. 这可能是在美洲殖民地第一次为宗教自由而进行的政治请愿,组织者被投入监狱后又被逐出新阿姆斯特丹。

    It was perhaps the first formal political petition for religious freedom in the American colonies , and the organizer was thrown in jail and then banished from New Amsterdam .