
xīn wén jiè
  • the press;press circles
  1. 中韩新闻界人士和专家还就东亚地区国家的合作等专题进行了热烈的讨论。

    The Chinese and South Korean press circles and experts also held enthusiastic discussions on special topics like cooperation among countries in East Asian region .

  2. 随着公路建设的快速发展和汽车保有量的增长,高速公路交通事故率随之增加,其中因浓雾引发的车辆追尾事故引起了交通部门和新闻界的高度重视。

    Along with fast development of the expressway construction and the growth of the automobile amount , the rate of accidents occurring on expressway has also increased . The accidents caused by fog along on the expressways have already received great attention from Chinese ministry of communications and press circles .

  3. 报告的内容泄露到新闻界了。

    The contents of the report were leaked to the press .

  4. 她是对付新闻界的一位老手。

    She 's an old hand at dealing with the press .

  5. 他特意设法与新闻界搞好关系。

    He purposely tried to cultivate good relations with the press .

  6. 他的辞职多半是因为新闻界的一些报道。

    He resigned largely because of the stories in the press .

  7. 她觉得她遭到了新闻界的恣意诽谤。

    She feels she has been much maligned by the press .

  8. 他一时冲动对新闻界发表了讲话。

    He talked to the press in a moment of indiscretion .

  9. 有人指责新闻界一味迎合政府的旨意。

    The press was accused of being subservient to the government .

  10. 这个问题在英国新闻界得到了充分讨论。

    The subject got a thorough airing in the British press .

  11. 他因观点极端而经常受到新闻界的抨击。

    He was regularly pilloried by the press for his radical ideas .

  12. 他们日夜遭到新闻界的跟踪。

    They were hounded day and night by the press .

  13. 这个事件已被新闻界广泛报道。

    The incident has received wide coverage in the press .

  14. 政府发言人向新闻界发表了一份声明。

    A government spokesperson made a statement to the press .

  15. 他因泄漏消息给新闻界而受到谴责。

    He was censured for leaking information to the press .

  16. 政府的提案引发了新闻界的抗议浪潮。

    The government 's proposals unleashed a storm of protest in the press .

  17. 这家航空公司最近受到新闻界的责难。

    The airline has had a bad press recently .

  18. 新闻界紧盯住他不放,要了解事件的详情。

    He was nobbled by the press who wanted details of the affair .

  19. 发言人拒绝向新闻界透露公司收购的详细情况。

    The spokesman refused to disclose details of the takeover to the press .

  20. 我在新闻界结交了一些有用的人。

    I 've made some useful contacts in journalism .

  21. 她是新闻界的大红人,不可能做错事的。

    She is the darling of the newspapers and can do no wrong .

  22. 严厉批判政治人物乃是新闻界常事。

    Bashing politicians is normal practice in the press .

  23. 新闻界对她新近拍摄的电影大加诋毁。

    The press did a very effective hatchet job on her last movie .

  24. 交付他的任务不包括向新闻界发言。

    It wasn 't part of his brief to speak to the press .

  25. 那份工作是他加入新闻界的开始。

    The job gave him his start in journalism .

  26. 新闻界被指责对这件事的报道非常片面。

    The press were accused of presenting a very one-sided picture of the issue .

  27. 这是新闻界侵扰王室成员私事的又一实例。

    This was another example of press intrusion into the affairs of the royals .

  28. 新闻界有权以这种方式干扰她的私生活吗?

    Do the press have the right to invade her privacy in this way ?

  29. 首相因处理此事的方式而受到新闻界的严厉抨击。

    The prime minister was crucified in the press for his handling of the affair .

  30. 他喜欢待在幕后,让他的助理向新闻界发布消息。

    He prefers to remain in the background and let his assistant talk to the press .