
xīn wén jiǎn chá
  • press censorship
  1. 那个国家采取了新闻检查制度。

    That country adopted press censorship .

  2. 同时揭露日本新闻政策的阴谋,批判国民政府的新闻统制和新闻检查制度。

    At the same time , they exposed the conspiracy of the Japanese news policy . They also criticized the news control policy and press censorship which were implemented by Nanjing National Government .

  3. 公然违反英国新闻检查制度的一系列新闻报道。

    A series of news stories that flagrantly broke the British censorship .

  4. 报界用一篇篇充满愤怒言辞的社论回答新闻检查的要求。

    The press reacted to the demand for censorship with angry editorials .

  5. 那篇文章中有好几个字被新闻检查官删去了。

    Several words have been deleted from the article by the censor .

  6. 反击南非宣传和新闻检查的策略:加拿大行动计

    Strategy to Counter South African Propaganda and Censorship : Canadian Action Plan

  7. 新闻检查问题国际中心他受到警察的查问。

    International Centre on Censorship , the He was questioned by the police .

  8. 如果新闻检查制度被取消又有什么关系呢?

    What would it matter if censorship were lifted ?

  9. 新闻检查问题国际中心

    International Centre on Censorship , the gender focal points

  10. 他让信使把稿件送到新闻检查官办公室。

    He sent the draft to the censor 's office by a runner .

  11. 在中国,没有新闻检查制度。

    There is no news censorship in china .

  12. 蒂姆写过一篇关于这里夜生活的文章,给新闻检查官枪毙了。

    Tim wrote a piece about the night life here . The censor killed it dead .

  13. 立法机构和内容军事化色彩浓厚,厉行严格的战时新闻检查。

    Militarization of the legislative and contents of the strong color , rigorously enforce strict wartime censorship .

  14. 但是政府现在发现互连网可以很快地传播信息或者流言,和新闻检查人员删除评论一样快。

    But the regime is finding that the internet can spread information-or rumours-as fast as censors can delete comments .

  15. 聪明的外国记者常常可以借推敲字句进过新闻检查.而让读者去了解弦外之音。

    A clever foreign correspondent can often avoid censorship by careful wording , leaving his audience to read between the lines .

  16. 报纸不顾严厉的新闻检查,开始报道由经济问题造成的骇人听闻的惨剧。

    The letter columns of the China Weekly Review became a kind of wailing wall where the people howled out their anguish .

  17. 除此之外,政府还通过战时新闻检查制度、保密制度、对司法系统的维护、对媒介广告的管理等手段和方式加强对国内新闻机构的管理和钳制。

    Except for these , the government also suppressed and managed media by news examined system secrecy system and something else system .

  18. 他说,在毛里塔尼亚,政府解除了新闻检查制度;同时,海地的一个法庭在一起谋杀记者的案件中对罪犯判了重刑。

    In Mauritania , he says , the government has lifted censorship , and a court in Haiti has imposed a heavy sentence in the case of a murdered journalist .

  19. 美国当局正准备起诉他,而且告诉CNN新闻他们会检查他在夏威夷的家,和他的女朋友及家人谈谈并检查他使用的每台电脑。

    U.S.authorities are preparing charges against him and told CNN they would be searching his home in Hawaii , interviewing his girlfriend and family members and examining every computer he used .

  20. 深圳市新闻工作者健康检查结果分析

    Analysis on the physical examination results of pressmen in Shenzhen

  21. 新闻部门仔细检查了这些信息。

    The information was carefully censored by the press .

  22. 联合国新闻中心联合检查组

    Joint Inspection Unit on the United Nations Information Centres

  23. 本文介绍了Internet中网络新闻及其订阅、检查、阅读、消息文件的删除、发送新闻、新闻组的建立以及使用中应注意的事项。

    This paper deals with Usenet in Internet , including its subscription , checking , reading , deleting message files , sending news and setting up news groups , and its Practical use .

  24. 尝试生成新闻组列表以便检查邮件时出错。

    There was an error trying to build the list of newsgroups to check for messages .