
jīnɡ pài
  • Beijing school of Beijing opera;Beijing
  • Jing school in Beijing opera
京派 [jīng pài]
  • [Jing school in Beijing opera] 京剧的一个流派,以北京的表演风格为代表

  1. 论京派作家的小说文体观

    On the Styles of Novels Written by " Beijing School "

  2. 论京派诗话小说理想世界的三重境界

    Three Bourns of Ideal World in Poetry Story of Beijing Faction

  3. 京派海派情景喜剧及其地域文化背景比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Beijing-sitcom , Shanghai-sitcom and Their Cultural Backgrounds

  4. 论京派文学与中国文学的现代性

    The Literature of Jing School and the Modernity of Chinese Literature

  5. 试论京派小说的女性形象

    On the Female Characters in the Novels of Beijing Group

  6. 论京派诗话小说虚构世界的四种方式

    Four Modes of the Made-up World of Beijing Poem Fictions

  7. 京派作家笔下的乡村世界与都市人生

    The Rural World and Urban Life Described by the Writers of Peking-Faction

  8. 京派的悲剧是含蓄的,是微笑的悲剧。

    The tragedy of Beijing Group is implicative - the smiling tragedy .

  9. 京派小说的总体艺术风格是平和而淡远,带有浓郁的诗情画意。

    General artistic style of Beijing local novels is gentle and profound .

  10. 京派女作家小说艺术研究

    Research on the Artistry of the Fictions of Women Writers in Beijing School

  11. 京派作家与中国现代文学中的古典主义思潮&兼与西方古典主义比较

    Beijing School and Classicism in Modern Chinese Literature : Compared with Western Classicism

  12. 京派小说的审美追求

    On the aesthetic pursuit of the Beijing School Novels

  13. 京派小说的写意特征及其文学史意义

    The Intention-Expressing Feature of Beijing-School Novels and its Contributions to the Contemporary Literature

  14. 京派批评涵盖文学批评和其他各类艺术批评。

    Beijing School criticism consists of literature criticism and other kinds of art criticism .

  15. 京派这个概念是被命名和长期阐释的结果。

    Beijing School is a concept that is named and expounded for long time .

  16. 京派的文化选择:向传统倾斜

    Inclination to Tradition-The Cultural Option of Beijing School

  17. 北平文化生态(1928&1937)与京派作家的归趋

    The culture ecology of Peiping ( 1928-1937 ) and aggregation of Beijing School Authors

  18. 诗人和战士&京派文学视野中的鲁迅

    Poet and Soldier & Lu Xun from the Perspective of Beijing School of Literature

  19. 诗化散文与小说化散文是京派青年作家们在散文文体上的两种探索形态。

    I point out that the poetic essays and novelized essays are two creative forms .

  20. 论京派小说的空间形式

    On Beijing fictional handling of the space

  21. 京派刊物的创办为京派散文的发展提供了一个重要的载体。

    The establishment of Jingpai publications provides important media for the development of Jingpai prose .

  22. 在中国文学史上,京派是一个非常复杂难辨的文学现象。

    In Chinese modern literary history , Peking School is too complicated and difficult to clarify .

  23. 试论京派小说形象系统的民族化特色

    On ethnological features of Beijing-styled fictions

  24. 20世纪三四十年代的沈从文,是京派小说的大师级人物。

    In 30s and 40s , SHEN Cong-wen was the master of the novel of Beijing School .

  25. 从三十年代《大公报》文艺副刊看京派文学

    Beijing-style Literature As Seen in the Supplement to " Da Gong Bao " in the 1930 's

  26. 书写不同的现代性:京派与海派(1930-1937)

    The Different Writing of Modernity in China : Shang Hai School and Beijing School ( 1930-1937 );

  27. 京派是20世纪中国文学史上重要的文学流派之一,以其大量的经典作品和独特的美学理论创建为中国现代文学的成熟和发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献。

    Jing literary school is the most important literature tributary in the history of literature in 20th century .

  28. 京派小说的形象系统,深刻表现了作者对中华民族传统文化精神的体悟。

    The images in the Beijing-styled fictions symbolize the fictionalists ' profound feelings of the traditional Chinese culture .

  29. 京派意象是中国传统诗艺与西方象征主义、意象派等诗学思潮相融合的产物。

    First , jing Literary School 's imagery is different from Chinese classical poetry and the Western imagism .

  30. 游走于都市与乡村之间&论京派小说的还乡叙事他多年来为搜集各类民间文学而经常奔走乡间。

    He has been traveling throughout the country to collect different kinds of folk literature for all these years .