
  1. 所有新生里最可爱的姑娘。

    Cutest girl in the whole freshman class .

  2. 1987年的《好朋友,到永远》(ForeverFriends)以深思熟虑的方式讲述了这样一个故事,一个眼神纯真的新生与学校里小圈子的领头人成了好朋友,发现这个小头头是个同性恋。

    Released in 1987 , " Forever Friends " took a thoughtful approach to its story of a doe-eyed new guy in school becoming friends with a clique leader who is gay .

  3. 有了新生婴儿,家里的情况怎么样了呀。

    How are things working out at home with the new baby ?

  4. 在新生一代蚜虫里既有雌性也有雄性。

    So now a generation of aphids is born that includes males as well as females .

  5. 电影短片也是德国视野影院及新生代规划程序里的组成部分。

    Short films are also a regular constituent of the Perspektive Deutsches Kino and Generation programmes .

  6. 荧光渗漏是因为新生血管壁结构不是很完整,荧光素便可以从新生血管里渗漏出来,以荧光渗漏的多少作为标准来判定新生血管的生长程度。

    Fluorescein leakage in the vessel wall because the new structure is not very complete and fluorescein can be leakage of blood from the newborn . We can use the number of fluorescent leakage as a standard to determine the extent of neovascular growth . 4 .