
  1. 方法以深圳市妇女收容教育所新收教FCSW为研究对象,按血清中HBsAg和Anti-HCV的结果进行分组,设置人群内对照,进行病例对照研究。

    Methods Divided by results of serum HBsAg and Anti-HCV tests with the population , a inner case-controlled study was Carried out among internees in Shenzhen Municipal Women 's Re-education Centre .

  2. 影响新收带壳花生含水率的参数研究

    Study on Influence Parameters of Water Content of Newly Harvested Peanuts

  3. 对呀你新收了爱徒

    Oh , yes . You have a new favorite .

  4. 公孙龙对这个新收的门客非常满意。

    Gong was very satisfied with the new follower .

  5. 这个商店新收了两个学徒。

    The shop is taking on two new apprentices .

  6. 他是你新收的跟班?

    Who is that ? New back-up man ?

  7. 穗上发芽率和穗发芽指数与新收种子室内发芽率、发芽指数以及种子α-淀粉酶活性之间不存在相关性。

    No significant correlations were observed between the percentage or index of pre harvest sprouting and laboratory germination percentage or germination index or α amylase activity of newly harvested seeds .

  8. 黄熟期稻谷和新收入库稻谷上,均以兼寄生的田间真菌为优势菌,腐生的储藏真菌极少。

    On both the ripening paddy and the paddy fresh harvested and stored , we find the symbiotic and parasitic field fungi to be the dominant while saprophytic storage fungi are seldom discovered .

  9. 结果1991~2005年共新收住院精神患者2100例,其中自杀未遂181例,占新住院患者的8.26%。诊断抑郁症112例,精神分裂症60例,急性应激障碍5例,其他4例。

    Results Two thousands one hundred newly psychotics were hospitalized during 1991-2005.Among them , there were 181 cases of suicidal attempt , accounting for 8.26 % and including 112 depressive disorder , 60 schizophrenia , 5 acute stress disorder and 4 others .

  10. 本文报导从氧化铅锌矿石中浮选硫化铅矿物的新捕收剂PN及相应的抑制剂BD1。

    The new PN collector and BD_1 depressant for floating lead sulphide mineral from lead and zinc oxide ore are introduced in this paper .

  11. 新捕收剂BK-330优化选矿流程结构的研究

    A study of new collector bk-330 and preferential technological process structure

  12. 氟碳酸盐稀土矿物新捕收剂及选别效果初步分析

    A new collector for bastnaesite and its effect on mineral processing

  13. 她把新地毯收起来,等她孩子长大了再铺上。

    She stowed the new blanket away until her baby grows up .

  14. 当结帐队伍太长时,好的商家会再开放新的收银柜台。

    Good stores open nw checkout lanes when the lanes get too long .

  15. 浮选锆英石的新捕收剂研究

    Research on a new collector for zircon

  16. 锡石的新捕收剂&1-羟基-1、3-二甲基丁基膦酸浮选锡石试验

    Cassiterite flotation test with a new type of collector for cassiterite & 1-hydroxy-1,3-dimethyl butyl phosphonic acid

  17. 《中国药典》1995年版二部附录无菌检查法,新增加收载生孢梭菌(Clostridiumsporogenes)做为抗厌氧菌药物注射液无菌检查的阳性对照菌。

    Clostridium Sporogenes has been added to China Pharmacopeia 1995 edition as the standard positive control bacterium in the sterility test of injections .

  18. 对薄膜收卷机组的两种收卷,恒张力和恒力矩收卷方式进行比较分析,提出一种新的收卷方式,综合两者的特点,使膜卷收卷质量更优。

    Comparison analysis on the two kinds of rewinding way , constant tension and constant torque , put forward a new method to rewinding , in which the cast film quality is better and membrane more even .

  19. 已将最新的交收指示传送出去!

    Last settlement instruction has been sent !

  20. 这些数据对选用或设计新的电收尘系统有较大的参考价值。

    The data are worthy to be considered when choosing or designing a new electrical precipitation system .

  21. 金川富矿新组合捕收起泡药剂试验研究

    Flotation of High-grade Ore of No 2 Mining Area of Jinchuan by a Combined Use of New Collector and New Frother

  22. 利用同分异构原理合成新的锡石捕收剂

    Synthesis of New Collector of Cassiterite Slime Using Isomeric Principle

  23. 由于燃油烟气污染绝缘装置,电收尘器不能正常运行。为此,新上1台电收尘器。

    Because the pollution of insulation equipment by oil-fired furnace flue gas led to abnormal operation of electrostatic precipitator , a new electrostatic precipitator , replaced the original one .

  24. 对收排线机的研究大部分是集中于开发新的产品和收排线机的控制方面,而很少涉足于收排线机结构分析与结构优化以及收排线机受力测试的。

    Research on the take-up and traverse machine mostly concentrated in developing of new products and control system , but rarely involved in structural analysis and structural optimization and mechanical test .

  25. 根据大姚铜矿硫化矿的矿石性质及生产现状,寻找新的辅助捕收剂来提高选别的各项指标,作为指导选厂生产及提高效益的理论依据

    According to the properties of sulfide ore and current situation of production , additional collecting agent of new type is used for improving various technical parameters and economic benefit . Assisted examination

  26. 1-羟基-1、3-二甲基丁基燐酸所获得的指标与混合甲苯胂酸一致,表明该药剂是锡石的新的良好捕收剂。

    The results obtained with 1-hydroxy-1 、 3-dimethyl butyl phosphonic acid were in accordance to those obtained with mixed toly 1 arsonic acid It revealed that this new reagent is a good collector for cassiterite .

  27. 这位政治家说,太多的富人钱财都非劳动所得;他准备设立新税制狠狠地收他们的税金。

    The politician said that too many rich people has obtained their money without working for it , and he was now going to introduce new taxes that would squeeze them until the pips squeak .