
  1. 新建社区商业街规划与设计研究

    Research of New Community Commercial Street Planning & Design

  2. 新建社区新体育构想

    Thoughts of New Sports in New Living Quarters

  3. 灾后新建社区孤寡老人面临的问题及照顾机制你不明白你是孤家寡人?

    Issues and Special Care for the Senior without Family in Newly-Built Community after 5.12 Earthquake Do you understand that you are alone ?

  4. 由此提出的从村民的角度出发,新建社区应充分考虑院落式文化与新建社区文化的差异。

    Thus proposed from the perspective of the villagers , the newly built community should fully consider courtyard culture and new community cultural differences .

  5. 农村居民对目前的社区卫生服务站(村卫生室)工作基本满意,但对新建农村社区卫生服务站六位一体的服务内容了解不多。

    Rural people welcome current village CHSTs but are not familiar to community services of " six-in-one " .

  6. 其中本文提出了以农村社区供给取代原村庄供给的筹资方式,把有限的资金投入到新建的农村社区中,实行农村公共服务统一供给。

    This paper proposes a fundraising method to replace the previous one . The supply will come from rural communities instead of the villages . The money will be made full use of for the newly-built rural communities , realizing unified supply of public service in rural areas .