
  1. 尽管中方毫无准备,为了表示对远方客人的尊重,还是临时挑选了距朱家桥村几十公里的板桥村。

    Although the Chinese party was unprepared , out of respect to its guests coming from afar , it quickly made arrangement for a visit to Banqiao Village that lies several dozen km away from zhujiaqiao .

  2. 以云南省大理州鹤庆县草海镇板桥村为例,初步分析和探讨白族本主崇拜与“龙舟竞渡”间的关系。

    With the village Banqiao of Caohai Township in Heqing County of Dali Yunnan as an example , the paper makes an analysis of the relationship between Bai peoples village god worship and dragon boat race .