
  • 网络Xinping;Shinpei;Tan Binh;Sin-pyeong
  1. g(干曲)。新平秋季恋歌

    ( stem leaven ) . A love song of autumn in Xinping

  2. 云南省新平县傣族居民G6PD缺乏及带疟原虫调查

    Investigation into G6PD deficiency and malaria parasite carriers in Tai inhabitants in Xinping County , Yunnan

  3. 用ICP-AES方法测定了新平县相同生态条件下种植的653份云南稻资源糙米8种矿质元素含量,并按丁颖的栽培稻生态型对其遗传多样性进行了研究。

    Genetic diversity of rice according to Ding 's taxonomic ecotypes in Yunnan of Southwest China were investigated based on eight mineral concentrations of brown rice , using 653 accessions harvested from Xingping experiment farm under the uniform ecological conditions by ICP-AES method .

  4. 新平县经济发展的制约因素及对策

    The restricting factors and countermeasure of economic development of Xinping county

  5. 新平县婴儿死亡率下降40.09%,元江县下降23.04%,死亡儿童死前到医院就诊比重逐年上升,未就诊者逐年下降。

    The infant mortality reduced 40.09 % and 23.04 % .

  6. 云南新平2002-08-14特大滑坡泥石流灾害及防治对策

    2002-08-14 Large-scale Landslide Debris-flow Hazard in Xinping County and the Prevention Countermeasure

  7. 云南省新平县地质灾害与线性构造的相关性研究

    Relationship research between geo-hazard and linear structure in Xinping County of Yunnan Province

  8. 关于加快新平县核桃产业化发展的对策建议

    Countermeasures and Proposals to Speed up Industrialization Development of Walnut in Xinping County

  9. 新平县退耕还林工程社会经济效益评价

    Assessment of Socio-economic Benefits of the Cropland Conversion to Forestland Program in Xinping County

  10. 新平县南碱傣族文化生态村景观规划

    Landscape Design of the Dai Cultural and Ecological Village in Nanjian , Xinping County

  11. 云南省新平彝族傣族自治县竹产业发展效益评价

    Benefits Evaluation on the Development of Bamboo Industry in Xinping County of Yunnan Province

  12. 关于新平县天保工程区后续林产业开发的思考

    Reflection on Follow-up Forestry Industry Development in Natural Forest Protection Area of Xinping County

  13. 新平花腰傣语音位系统及历史音变述略

    On the Phonemic System of the Huayao Dais in Xinping County and its Diachronic Phonetic Changes

  14. 云南新平哀牢山秋季夜间网捕鸟类的影响因素

    Influencing Factors of Birds Captured at Night in Ailao Mountain , Xinping County , Yunnan Province

  15. 云南新平哀牢山夜间捕获鸟类的多样性

    Diversity of the Birds Captured at Night in Ailao Mountain , Xinping County , Yunnan Province

  16. 环境伦理学视角下的新平等观

    New Equality under Environmental Ethnics

  17. 云南竹文化旅游开发在竹产业发展中的地位&以滇中竹乡新平县为例

    Status of Bamboo Culture Tourism in Bamboo Industry Development in Yunnan Province : With Xinping County as a Case

  18. 本文介绍了用力法平差测边中点多边形网的一种新平差方法。

    In this paper the mechanical method has been introduced into the adjustment of trilateral nets with central figures .

  19. 后藤新平亦因此而跻身于日本政治统治的核心,成为日本殖民统治的行政权威。

    Goto Shimpei also became the key figure in Japanese political circles , and the authority in Japanese colonial rule .

  20. 新平花腰傣是我国傣族中历史悠久、文化资源丰富的一个支系。

    Xin Ping Hua Yao Dai is a series of Dai people in our country which has the long history and fruitful culture .

  21. 植物民间分类、利用与文化象征&云南新平傣族植物传统知识研究

    Folk Classification and Utilization of Plants , and Their Cultural Symbols & Dai Nationality 's Traditional Ideas about Plants in Xinping , Yunnan

  22. 新平县是一个以少数民族为主体的山区农业县,经济发展水平较低。

    XinPing is a mountainous agricultural county with a population mainly consisting of minority nationalities and with a lower level of the economic development .

  23. 新平早在3000年前就有人类活动,在漠沙出土的石环属于新石器时代的遗物。

    Huan activities began 3,000 year ago in Xinping . The stone circle unearthed in Mosha is what left from the New Stone Age .

  24. 本文对云南省玉溪市新平彝族傣族自治县的花腰傣音位系统进行共时描述,同时探讨了花腰傣语音的历史音变。

    This is a synchronic and diachronic description of the phonemic system of the Huayao Dais in Xinping Yi-Dai Autonomous County in Yunnan Province of China .

  25. 两河在楚雄双柏、玉溪新平县界交汇,水量骤增,称嘎洒江、漠沙江。

    These two rivers join together in Chuxiong Shuangbai , Yuxi Xinping county where the water rising up quickly , we call them Gasa river and Mosha river .

  26. 九十年代初期问世的最新平绕式逆程变压器,其次级漏感和分布电容均很小,使这种变压器的工作性能已达十三次调谐状态。

    The last Parallel-Winding Fly-Back Transformer which appeared at beginning of 1990s has very small leakage inductance and distributed capacitance of its secondary , and this FBT operates up to thirteenth tuning .

  27. 花腰傣是傣族的支系之一,傣族散布在西双版纳、德宏、思茅、孟连、新平、元江等云南省境内的三十余个州县,而花腰傣主要居住在红河中上游的新平、元江等县。

    Dai people scatter in Xishuangbanna , Dehong , Menglian , Xinping , Yuanjiang and more than thirty counties in Yunnan province , and Huayao Dai live mainly in Yuanjiang and Xinping County .

  28. 新平县漠沙镇位于红河谷,在这里长期居住着傣、彝、苗、哈尼、拉祜、回等多种民族。

    Mosha , a town of Xinpin county , is located in Red River valley and permanently raises some multiracial residents , such as Dai , Yi , Miao , Hani , Lahu , and Hui .

  29. 我的精明计划就是在杨堤(大型游船的起点)上游的村落草坪找一个船夫,然后付钱让他载我到小船可以到达的最南端,新平。

    My cunning plan was to find a lone boatman in Caoping , the village above the embarkation point for larger craft at Yangdi , and pay him to boat me to the southernmost sailable point at Xinping .

  30. 笔者的本意是要考察云南新平彝族傣族自治县花腰傣族群的传统民间节日&花街节,但看到的却是一种新的,被重新建构着的民间节日文化的再生。

    The author intends to visit the traditional folk festival of Huayao Dai in Xinping Autonomous county for Dai nationality and Yi nationality , Yunnan Province , & Huajie Festival , and to see a new and regenerative of folk culture which is re-constructed .