
  1. 微晶玻璃/金属复合新型装饰材料的研究

    The Study on the Glass-Ceramic / Metal Composite New Decorative Material

  2. 本文介绍了一种新型装饰材料&微晶玻璃/金属复合材料。

    A new construction decorative material glass-ceramic / metal compound material was introduced .

  3. 镜面彩色不锈钢是一种具有广泛应用前景的新型装饰材料。

    Mirror colored stainless steel is a new decohow material which has a wid prospect .

  4. 新型装饰材料&辊涂花纹蜂窝板

    New decoration material-roller coated pattern honeycomb panel

  5. 复合木地板是广受欢迎的新型装饰材料。

    As known to all , the composite wooden floor board is a kind of welcome decorating material .

  6. 主要论述可作为新型装饰材料的微珠结构的光学定向散射膜片的原理及其实现方法。给出了此种装饰材料的制做试验结果。

    Theorical description of a novel optical directional scattering decoration material and its realizing way are presented and the optical experiment results are shown .

  7. 无锡海森装饰材料有限公司是华东地区极具实力的现代化新型装饰材料生产的知名企业。

    The Wuxi sea woods decoration material limited company is the East China area extremely has the strength the modernized new decoration material production well-known enterprise .

  8. 柔性人造装饰薄木是为克服人造薄木的脆性大、强度低、破损多等缺陷而研究开发的新型装饰材料。

    In order to conquer the defects of artificial veneer such as big brittleness , low strength and damaged points , soft artificial decorative veneer is studied .

  9. 本文通过介绍新型装饰材料的发展趋势,对铝塑板、不锈钢金属、微晶玻璃等现有的新型装饰材料进行了分析比较,提出把微晶玻璃与金属复合作为装饰材料使用。

    S : The article Introduces the development of new decorative materials , the advantages of glass-ceramic / metal composite decorative materials upon analysing presently new several decorative materials including Aluminum-plastic composite decorative board and stainless steel .

  10. 作者认为铝塑板是一种综合性能良好的新型装饰材料.目前处于快速增长阶段,预测到2000年消费量将达1800万m~2。铝塑板生产中表面处理带来的污染及其治理

    According to the author , Al plastic compound board is a new kind of decoration material with good comprehensive properties and is at the stage of rapid increase . Pollution in Production of Aluminum-Plastic Composite Plate and the Disposal Measure

  11. 新型建筑装饰材料和日用化学品的大量使用,使得挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)不断释放到室内,由此导致室内空气品质(IAQ)下降。

    Large amounts of volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) are released to indoor environments because of building materials and commodities with VOCs used , and worsens indoor air quality ( IAQ ) .

  12. 一种新型光学装饰材料

    A novel optical decoration material A New Class of Luminescent Material

  13. 烧结法微晶玻璃装饰板材是一种新型建筑装饰材料。

    Sintering glass - ceramic is a new kind of building decorative material .

  14. 新型装饰反光材料&氮化锆多层膜多涂层吸波体的计算机智能化设计

    DEVELOPMENT OF NEW DECORATIVE REFLECTIVE MATERIAL-ZrN MULTI-COATING Intelligent Computer-Aided Design for Multi-Coating Layer Absorber

  15. 水包水多彩涂料是一种低成本、无污染的新型建筑装饰材料。

    Water-in-water multi-colour coating is a kind of low-cost , non-polluting new decorative building material .

  16. 开发了一种新型安全装饰材料&镭射玻璃。它是以光敏树脂、玻璃和塑料镭射膜复合而成的。

    An new type safety decoration material laser glass is developed , which is synthesized photosensitive resin , glass and plastic laser film .

  17. 介绍新型建筑装饰材料开尔搪瓷钢板产品的性能特点,地下工程与隧道传统材料分析以及开尔搪瓷钢板在地下工程与隧道应用的适应性。

    The paper introduces the performance and characteristics of a new type of building decorative materials ─ Kail enameled pressed steel , the analysis of substructure work and tunnel traditional material as well as the adaptability of the application of Kail enameled pressed steel in substructure work and tunnel .

  18. PVC装饰板、折合门是新型建筑装饰装修材料。

    PVC decoration panel and folding door are new decorating and fliting building materials .

  19. 本文报道了一种新型建筑及装饰材料&KH滤紫外遮光膜。

    In this paper a new KH UV-filtering film for building decoration , as well as energy conservation is reported .

  20. 北京北海建材有限责任公司创立于2002年,是致力于新型节能墙体装饰材料研究、开发、生产、销售、服务的高新技术企业。

    Established on2002 , Beijing Beihai Building Material Co. , Ltd is a new & high technology enterprise which integrates scientific research , manufacture , sales and service .

  21. 本文所研究的柔性装饰薄木属于新型薄木装饰材料的一种,它是将人造薄木与柔性增强材料复合后制成的一种可挠曲、柔韧性好的装饰薄木。

    In this master dissertation , pliable decorative sliced veneer ( PDSV ), a new type of sliced veneer , is experimentally fabricated combing sliced veneers and soft reinforced materials .

  22. 作为一种新型面层装饰材料,高性能彩色固化剂制品具有高强、耐磨、抗渗、抗老化等多种优良性能。

    High Performance Color Hardener ( HPCH ), as a kind of new decorative material on surface , has high qualities on strength , wearability , penetration resistance , aging resistance and so on .

  23. 介绍了一种新型建筑装饰与承重材料&玻璃砖的基本性质与发展历史。

    As one kind of new-type building adornment and bearing material , characteristics and history of glass block are introduced .

  24. 是采用天然无机材料,经高温融化,受控晶化制成的一种新型绿色环保建筑装饰材料。

    Is a natural inorganic material , the heat melts , controlled crystallization of a new type of green building into decoration materials .

  25. 本实用新型涉及一种静态层状结构的天然大理石花岗石复合拼块,属新型建筑装饰材料。

    The utility model relates to a natural marble and granite compound splicing block with a static layer structure , which belongs to a novel architectural decorative material .