
  1. 在开始实行新印花税税率时,上证综指比3月份市场回调时上涨了55%,而新华富时H股指数(FTSE-XinhuaH)同期涨幅为25%。

    At the time the stamp duty was imposed , the Shanghai Composite was up 55 per cent since the March correction , against 25 per cent for the FTSE-Xinhua H shares index .

  2. 通过将上证综指与新华富时中国25指数(FTSE-XinhuaChina25index)覆盖在纽约市场交易的中国公司股票相比,我们可以衡量本轮牛市在多大程度上要归因于蜂拥入场的本地散户投资者。

    We can gauge how much of this is down to stampeding local retail investors by comparing it with the FTSE-Xinhua China 25 index , covering Chinese stocks quoted in New York .