
  • 网络Currahee
  1. 再也没有痛苦,再也没有新兵训练。

    No more pain , no more currahee .

  2. 你将有4个月的时间把这些新兵训练出来。

    You 'll have four months in which to lick the recruits into shape

  3. 新兵训练结束转入正常部队生活1年后,月经周期异常率、经期异常率、痛经发生率均有明显下降(P0.05)。

    Having finished the training , the female soldiers transferred to normal army life . After one year , the occurrence rates of abnormal menstrual cycle , abnormal menstrual period and dysmenorrhea all significantly declined ( P 0.05 ) .

  4. 新兵训练前、后椎弓峡部断裂发病率:训练开始前的入伍新兵,L5椎弓峡部断裂5例,发病率为5%。

    The incidence rate of spondylolysis of vertebral arch before and after training : Before training , 5 cases had spondylolysis of L5 vertebral arch , and the incidence rate was 5 % .

  5. 利用症状自评量表(SCL-90)、焦虑自测量表(SAS)、抑郁自测量表(SDS),在新训开始和结束时,进行心理状态测定;并统计各组新兵训练伤发生情况。

    The emotion of every recruit is evaluated by SCL-90 ( Symptom Checklist-90 ), SAS ( Self-rating Anxiety Scale ) and SDS ( Self-rating Depression Scale ) at the beginning and at the end , and the effects are assessed with the rate of the military training related injury .

  6. 这种经历就像新兵训练营,充满惩罚,但却锤炼性格。

    The experience was a boot camp & punishing but character-strengthening .

  7. 在海军陆战队新兵训练营,与一个流氓周旋。

    Dealing with a bully in Marine Corps ' boot camp .

  8. 一夜之间就像在新兵训练营里一样。

    Changing hats overnight was a lesson in boot camp management .

  9. 2002年度860名新兵训练伤调查

    Investigation of the Training Injury in 860 New Recruits in 2002 Year

  10. 不久我就来到了位于南卡罗莱纳州帕里什岛的海军新兵训练营地。

    Soon I was in a boot camp at Parris Island , S.C.

  11. 健康教育在新兵训练伤中作用的调查分析

    Investigation of Military Training Injury and Methods of Health Education

  12. 在那里上大学一年级就等于是进了新兵训练营。

    Being a freshman there was the academic equivalent of boot camp .

  13. 新兵训练对女性月经的影响

    Influence of New Soldiers ' Training on Females ' Periods

  14. 部队新兵训练中运动损伤情况调查与分析

    Research and Analysis of the Athletic Injures during Boot Training

  15. 新兵训练工作进展良好。

    The new recruits are shaping up quite well .

  16. 中士很快就把新兵训练得规规矩矩。

    A sergeant soon knocks new recruits into shape .

  17. 这有点像新兵训练营,是吧?

    So , it was a little bit like a boot camp , right ?

  18. 新兵训练后功能性闭经女兵的心身症状与激素水平

    Psychosomatic Symptoms and Hormone Levels of Female Recruits with Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea after Physical Training

  19. 某部2005年新兵训练期间急腹症调查

    Investigation into Acute Abdomen of Recruits Who Entered the Service in 2005 during Military Training

  20. 综合心理干预对高原新兵训练伤的影响

    Effects of Multiple Psychological Intervention on Military Training Related Injury of Recruits in Plateau Area

  21. 全球各国的监管机构正将银行送入一个新兵训练营,希望对它们进行一番整顿。

    Global regulators are putting the banks through a boot camp to knock them into shape .

  22. 新兵训练六个月后被送上了前线。

    The new recruits were trained for six months and then sent to the war front .

  23. 新兵训练对女兵性激素、月经功能的影响及其相关性研究

    Study on the relationship between military training and secretion of sex hormone and menstrual among female cadets

  24. 你不觉得他们接受新兵训练有点太年轻吗?

    Don 't you think they 're a little too young to be going to boot camp ?

  25. 欢迎来到硅谷“新兵训练营”。

    Enter the Silicon Valley " boot camp , " a nouveau vocational school for the coding-inclined .

  26. 我在新兵训练中心当上后勤服务长官时,想留下一些功绩。

    I wanted to make my mark as the new food-service officer at a recruit training center .

  27. 纽因顿房地产顾问可以参加由当地健身爱好者发起的每周两次的新兵训练营。

    The Newington real estate consultant takes part in a twice-weekly boot camp run by local fitness enthusiasts .

  28. 我当时21岁,刚从新兵训练营出来,正在进行最后阶段的专业训练。

    I was21 , fresh out of boot camp and well into my final stages of technical training .

  29. 另外一家新兵训练营的联合创始人解释得更加直白:“人们希望过上更好的生活。”

    Another boot camp co-founder puts it more bluntly : " the promise is the promise of livelihood . "

  30. 这位十几岁的少年被认为和其它索马里籍的美国青年一起离开了明尼苏达,前往沙巴布的伊斯兰圣战士新兵训练营。

    The teenager is thought to have left Minnesota with other Somali-American youths , heading for Shabaab 's jihadist boot camps .