
  1. 近几年来,GIS教育在中国得到了很大的发展,但由于GIS专业是个新兴专业,其课程设置仍处于不断调整和完善之中。

    In the last few years , the GIS education has made great achievement in china . But curriculums setting still needs adjusting and perfecting because of its short history .

  2. 在其他地方,尤其是在英国和美国,mim还要与数目越来越多的新兴专业硕士项目比如金融工程学、商业经济学或营销学展开竞争。

    Elsewhere , particularly in the UK and us , the MIM also has to compete with growing swathes of specialised masters degrees in financial engineering , business economics or marketing .

  3. 物流管理专业是综合性、实践性很强的新兴专业。

    Logistics management major is a comprehensive and practical emerging major .

  4. 电子商务专业是中等职业教育的一个新兴专业。

    E-commerce is a new speciality in Secondary Vocational Schools .

  5. 职称评定的范围也会扩大,将包括新兴专业和行业。

    Professional ranks will also be expanded to include new professions and industries .

  6. 涉外护理专业是一个起步较晚,发展迅速地新兴专业。

    Foreign Nursing started late , but developed rapidly .

  7. 摘要专案管理是目前引起相当多注意的新兴专业训。

    Project management is an emerging professional discipline that has received considerable attention even in the boardroom .

  8. 全科医学是现代临床医学中的一个新兴专业,也是初级卫生保健中的重要内容。

    General family Medicine is a new subject in modern clinical medicine and plays an important role in primary healthcare .

  9. 眼整形外科是眼科和整形外科学科交叉产生的一门新兴专业,包括眼部美容、眼部整形和眼眶外科三部分。

    Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery is an interdisciplinary speciality , it includes cosmetic surgery , oculo-plastic surgery and orbital surgery .

  10. 而科学教育专业是一个新兴专业,课程体系的研究与实践更是被受关注。

    The science education specialty is a new and developing specialty . The research and practice of its course system and practice are paid close attention to .

  11. 医学影像学是伴随现代科学技术发展应运而生的新兴专业,介入放射学已成为并列于内科药物治疗与外科手术治疗的第三大治疗手段。

    Medical imaging is a new major with the development of science and technology , has become the third treatment which compared with medical and surgical treatment .

  12. 不同的产业处在不同的生命循环阶段上,不同的专业也分为新兴专业、成熟专业和衰退专业。

    Different industries are at the different stages of their life circulation , and specialties are divided into more new industries , mature industries and declining ones .

  13. 建立独立的妇幼卫生专业体系,培养高级妇幼卫生专业人才是当务之急。妇幼卫生专业是以保建为中心,临床、保健和预防相结合,适应于生物心理社会医学模式的新兴专业。

    It is very necessary to establish an independent Maternal and Child Health Specialty system in order to meet the needs of developement of maternal and child health service .

  14. 作为一门新兴专业,对外汉语专业目前还没有固定的、成熟的模式,对各大高校来说都存在机遇和挑战。

    As a newly set up major , TCFL has not formed its fixed and mature teaching model , therefore there are both chances and challenge for the universities .

  15. 根据工业工程作为一个新兴专业的发展趋势,论证了工业工程实验室建设的迫切性。

    The development trend of the industrial engineering specialty in China is studied in the paper , and the emergency of the construction of industrial engineering laboratory is brought forward .

  16. 电脑美术设计是21世纪的新兴专业,如何正确引导学生认识和学习电脑美术设计已成为设计教学中的首要任务。

    Computer art design is a sunrise special field in 21st century . It is a first task that how to rightly direct students to understand and learn this special field .

  17. 目前这个新兴专业还处于起步阶段,按照学科交叉和课程综合性的要求,专业建设面临的主要问题是开设哪些课程以及如何开发建设这些课程。

    According to the crossing discipline and request with comprehensive course , the problem of constructing the major is that which courses should be offered and how to develop and construct these courses .

  18. 随着城市化、现代化的快速发展,社会问题以及社会矛盾不断涌现,社会对社会工作这一门新兴专业的人才需求越来越大。

    With the rapid development of urbanization and modernization , social problems and social contradictions are emerging constantly , and the professional talent demand from the society towards the social work is bigger and bigger .

  19. 高师小学教育本科专业是高等教育大众化进程中的新兴专业,高师小学教育本科专业课程体系的构建应该包括课程目标、结构、内容和评价系统。

    Undergraduate discipline of primary school education in higher pedagogical education is a new one coming up in the progress of popularization of higher education ; the construction of its curriculum system should involve the curriculum objectives , structure , contents , and assessment system .

  20. 把握科学范式的社会性特征,认识不同范式的科学共同体的存在和发展,是一个国家、一个民族、一门学科、一个新兴专业成熟的表现。

    This is te nature characteristic of science It is the mature expression of a country , anation , a branch of learning and a new speciality to understand thoroughly social characteristic of scientific model and recognize the existence and development of scientific community of different models .

  21. 自1999年扩招以来,国内各大理工、师范类高校均开设有电子信息工程专业,师资的缺乏促使学校大量引进青年教师,电子信息类专业作为新兴专业这方面的问题尤其突出。

    Since 1999 , the expansion of domestic large and since , normal universities are opened in electronic and information engineering specialty , lack of teachers to a young teacher and school introduced as a new electronic information in this aspect of the major problems especially prominent .

  22. 小学教育专业是高等教育体系中新兴专业,受到传统师范教育体制和人才培养模式影响,其培养的学生在激烈的就业竞争中处于弱势的地位。

    The major of primary Education is a newly-emerged major in the system of higher education . Influenced by the traditional system of teacher training and the mode of personnel training , students in this major are in a disadvantaged position in the employment environment which features fierce competition .

  23. 水库移民规划设计是一个新兴的专业。

    The planning and design of the reservoir resettlement is a new discipline .

  24. 运动人体科学专业作为体育院校新兴的专业,目前尚无明确的定位。

    The sports body science is the new developing speciality in physical universities .

  25. 临床药学在我国是个新兴的专业。

    Clinical pharmacy is a new specialty in China .

  26. 在制造业信息化的大背景下打造新兴工科专业

    Create the Newly Arisen Engineering Specialty Under the Background of the Modernization of Manufacture Industry

  27. 社会工作作为一门新兴的专业,正在逐步迈向职业化的方向。

    Social work as an emerging profession , is gradually moving towards the direction of professionalization .

  28. 随着设计革命时代的来临,服装设计己然成为我国高等院校一门新兴的专业,具备了一定的办学规模,但整体办学时间较短,在课程体系上仍有一些亟待解决的问题。

    In the era of " design revolution ", fashion design has become a new specialty in our higher education , and formed a certain scale .

  29. 但是对高职院校来说,商务英语专业毕竟是一个新兴的专业,没有其它一些老牌专业发展地成熟,很多方面处在探索的阶段。

    But , the business English major is an emerging specialty in higher vocational colleges , is still in exploration and not more mature than the other established majors .

  30. 电脑美术设计专业是一门新兴的专业,在追求教学效益最大化的过程中,教学方法的探讨尤为重要。

    The specialty of computer-aided art design is newly born , and so in the process of pursuing the greatest effectiveness from teaching exploration of teaching method becomes very important .