
  • 网络The University of Scranton;Scranton University
  1. 宾夕法尼亚州斯克兰顿大学(UniversityofScranton)的心理学教授约翰•诺克罗斯(JohnNorcross)说,实现新年决心不是百米冲刺,而是一场马拉松。

    ' Keeping a resolution isn 't a100-yard dash . It 's a marathon , 'says John Norcross , a psychology professor at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania .

  2. 在宾夕法尼亚州斯克兰顿大学的研究人员称,与其他的坚果相比,核桃油被发现有更多、更好的抗氧化剂。

    When Vinson analyzed the amount of antioxidants found in walnuts and a variety of other nuts , walnuts came out on top .