
wén xué liú pài
  • Literary Schools;schools of literature
  1. 在众多的现代主义文学流派中,荒诞派戏剧是影响最大的流派之一。

    In the numerous schools of literature of modernism , send the drama to be one of the most influential schools fantastically .

  2. 王统照与闻一多都是中国现代著名诗人,他们虽然所属的文学流派不同,却是知音和挚友,共同追求诗歌创作的绘画美。

    Although belonging to the different schools of literature , they are bosom friends , who pursue the painting beauty of poem creation together .

  3. 论诗文学派对草创期浪漫主义的超越&朝鲜现代文学流派研究

    On the Poem School Surmounting the Romanticism in Its Starting Period

  4. 荒岛文学流派是一种历时性文学现象。

    Desert island literature is a kind of diachronic literary phenomenon .

  5. 哈氏属于典型的美国式文学流派。

    The school of literature he belonged to was quintessentially American .

  6. 与先前的流派自觉的进行决裂的一种艺术和文学流派。

    Art and literature that makes a self-conscious break with previous genres .

  7. 中国现代主义文学流派简论

    A Brief Study of Chinese Literature Tradition of Modernism

  8. 文学流派是在诸多因素及其复杂关系中构成的。

    A literary school is formed in the complex correlation of various factors .

  9. 文学流派的文学史意义

    The Significance of Literary History of Literary Faction

  10. 中国古代文学流派研究丛书与文科科研的三个层面

    The Academic Series on China 's Ancient Literature Schools and Three lays of Liberal Arts

  11. 美国剧作家尤金.奥尼尔是西方现代主义文学流派的主要代表人物。

    American playwright Eugene O'Neill is a major representative of the Western modernistic literary school .

  12. 一个全新的、更加朝气蓬勃的文学流派随之出现,诗歌创作重又活跃;

    A new and more vigorous literary school appeared , there was a great poetic revival ;

  13. 每一个文学流派和每一个创作方法,总是独特地理解和更新狂欢化手法。

    Carnivalization has been reformed and renewed again and again in different literary schools and genres .

  14. 黑色幽默文学流派的创作风格是一种崭新的文学艺术表现形式。

    The school of black humour is an entirely new and energetic creative style and artistic formality .

  15. 影响着当代文坛上重要的文学流派中的一些重要作家和作品;

    His works influence some important writers and works among the important literary schools in contemporary world ;

  16. 文学流派的文学史意义,这是中国现代文学研究中的一个薄弱环节。

    The significance of literary history of literary faction is a weak segment in Chinese modern literature studying .

  17. 魔幻现实主义是在现代拉丁美洲形成和发展起来的一种文学流派。

    Magic realism , as one of the literature schools , is formed and developed in modern Latin America .

  18. 地域文化是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,在它的影响下也产生了一批批重要的文学流派和作家群体。

    Region culture is an important part of traditional Chinese culture , having far-reaching implications to literature and writers .

  19. 文学流派是一种文学现象,现象还原和文化定位是对文学流派进行研究的两个基本点。

    Literary schools a literary phenomenon can be studied in two focal points : phenomenon restoration and cultural orientation .

  20. 首先是从文学流派的角度来研究萧乾与京派的关系问题。

    The first is from the perspective of literary genres to study the relationship between Xiao and Beijing School .

  21. 也就是说,本文力图担负起文学流派的文化学理论建构和文学流派研究实践的双重任务。

    That is to say , the dissertation is trying to construct culturology theory and study literary schools with it .

  22. 新的文学流派与旧有派别并驾齐驱,在写作方法和技巧方面新的尝试赋予了美国文学新的魅力。

    New genres went side by side with old ones and experimental writing techniques added to the brilliance of American literature .

  23. 其间,河汾文学流派的形成发展在中国文学史上具有不可磨灭的地位与作用。

    Meanwhile , the formation and development of Hefen Literature School had indelible status and function in the Chinese literature history .

  24. 当前关于现实主义的一些争论混淆了作为文学流派的现实主义同作为创作方法的现实主义这样两个概念。

    At present , the dispute over realism confuses the two concepts of realism as literary school and realism as creative methoed .

  25. 因此,其成果不能完整地揭明「文学流派」的性质及意义。

    Therefore , the results of such research can 't completely reveal the features and significance of the " literary schools " .

  26. 这意味着在引进各种文学流派之后,作家们开始确立他们自己的风格、流派。

    This means the authors embark on classified their own style and school after all kinds of styles and schools were introduced .

  27. 桐城派作为清代的一个主要文学流派,不仅包括桐城散文流派,还包括桐城诗歌流派。

    As a major literary school of Qing dynasty , Tongcheng School includes Tongcheng prose schools as well as Tongcheng poem schools .

  28. 同时,又通过特定的批评方法,将纷纭复杂的创作纳入一定的文学流派之中。

    At the same time , but also through specific criticism method , the complicated creation in a certain genre of literature .

  29. 作为中唐时期的重要文学流派,韩孟诗派的聚合有其必然性。

    As a important literature school in the middle of Tang dynasty , the collection of Hanand Meng poetic school has some inevitability .

  30. 通过与文人集团、文学流派等概念的比较来明确文学集团的定义,起一个正名的作用。

    In this section , a more explicit definition of literary group is presented by a comparison with literary school and literati group .