
  1. 这是文学时代变化造成的。

    It brings about the times changes of literature .

  2. 《南行记》与左翼文学时代(1930~1970年代)

    Journey to the South and the Left-wing Literature Time ( 1930s ~ 1970s )

  3. 后文学时代的文学性问题

    The Issue of Literariness in Post Literature Era

  4. 泛文学时代的文艺学

    Literary Theory in the Era of Pan-literature

  5. “后文学时代”的提出有其值得重视的时代特征和精神特征,但是,这一时代中应有的文学性问题同样是值得考虑的。

    The presenting of Post Literature Era has its own valued features of time and spirit .

  6. 莱辛是德国现实主义文艺的创始人,也是德国古典文学时代的先驱。

    Gotthold Ephraim Lessing , the founder of German realism , is one of the pioneers of German Classics .

  7. 第一章为引言部分,对萨克雷和《名利场》,以及维多利亚文学时代做出简略的介绍。

    The first chapter will firstly give a brief introduction , including William Makepeace Thackeray , Vanity Fair and the Victorian literary .

  8. 梵语古典文学时代从公元纪年开始前后待续到12世纪为止,长达千余年。

    It lasted for more than one thousand years , from around the starting of The Christian era to the twelfth century .

  9. 对于这样一个时代而言,在经典文学时代里所形成和铸就的文学理论、文学批评观念,已经基本丧失了阐释功能和价值。

    Faced the new society , literary theories and the opinion of literary criticism which long-term funding in classic literature era has already been deprived of value and function of interpretation .

  10. 他们几乎同时在各自的国家开创了新的文学时代,对后世产生深远影响:安德森在美国开创了现代主义文学时代,而鲁迅则开创了中国现代文学的新时代。

    They start a new literary era in their respective countries almost simultaneously , and exert profound influence toward the following generations : Anderson , the modernism era in America ; Lu Xun , modern Chinese literature .

  11. 自五四白话文运动肇始,新的语言媒介白话文体造就了与古典文学时代迥然相异的写作者与接受者,白话文写作者与接受者的审美心理、思维方式都发生了显著的变化。

    Since the beginning of the Vermicular Movement during the May 4th Movement , vernacular Chinese , a new language media , has given rise to writers and accepters sharply contrasted with their counterparts in the days of classical literature .

  12. 全球化语境中民族文学的时代价值选择

    The Time Value Choice of National Literature in Globalization Context

  13. 宋元海洋文学的时代特征

    Epoch Character on the Marine Literature of the Song & Yuan Dynasty

  14. 《十七年文学的时代性思考》是一部富有开拓性的文学研究专著。

    Epochal Reflections on the 17 - year Literature is a most exploiting belletristic monograph .

  15. 文学是时代的良心&徐杨短篇小说述评

    Literature is the Conscience of a Time & A Commentative Remark of Xu Yang 's Short Novel

  16. 思想观念的解放与转变,预示了文学自觉时代的到来。

    Ideas of liberation and transformation came forth , indicating an era of conscious literature was coming .

  17. 第二章分析了唐代长安佛教文学的时代及地域特征。

    Chapter II focuses on the geographical and times characteristics of Chang ' an Buddhist literature in Tang Dynasty .

  18. 她的创作轨迹与新时期社会生活和文学的时代潮流始终保持着一种若即若离的态势。

    Her creation trace always keeps one neither close nor distant state with the current social activities and the literature .

  19. 他的小说将个人、文学与时代的要求具体而鲜明地表述出来,有先导意义。

    His novels concretely denoted the individual , literature and the requirement of times , which had the sense of precursor .

  20. 其次,探讨姻娅互结这种家族现象与家族文学及时代文学之关系。

    Second , it studies the phenomena that people become relatives by marriage and the relationship between family literature and epoch literature .

  21. 在文学与时代的关系上,主张抓住艺术的时代,追求艺术的真实;

    In the relationship between the literature and the life , he advocates to hold the artistic time and pursue the art reality .

  22. 从中国当代文学的时代发展看,新时期文学的批判意识开始具有独立性,批判性也最突出。

    Literary criticism begins to appear independent character and the critical character is also outstanding from the development of the Chinese contemporary literature .

  23. 鲁迅作为中国新文学划时代的开拓者,积极引进和移植了西方现代哲学和现代派文学。

    As a pioneer in the new literary trend in China , Lu Xun actively introduced and transplanted western philosophy and modernist literature into China .

  24. 高旭的诗歌题材广泛,内容丰富,继承浪漫主义传统,气势磅礴,典型地代表了资产阶级蓬勃发展时期文学的时代气息和艺术特点。但有些诗歌往往锤炼不足,失之粗糙。

    He carried forward the romanticism traditions , his poems typically reflected the literature in his ages , but some of them were course for lack of the polish .

  25. 其文风格雄放,以事明理,无所顾忌,预示着一个文学自觉时代即将到来。

    For his writing style , it was forceful and reasonable as well as unrestrained , it foreshowed the coming of new era that writers created literary works with great consciousness .

  26. 一方面,随着儒家思想统治地位的崩溃,文学自觉时代的到来,文体分科逐渐明晰,雅不再是文学的统一标准,而成为某一类文体的审美标准。

    With the downfall of Confucianism and the coming of the era of literary consciousness , " ya " no longer served as the uniform literary standard but as the aesthetic criteria of a certain genre .

  27. 文学独领风骚时代确已成为历史,以图音为载体的影像艺术正在逐渐称霸,但文学永远不会终结。

    The era that literature was leading the way has become history , and the " image art ", using picture and sound as carriers , is becoming the domination , but literature will never ever come to an end .

  28. 秦汉魏晋时期,海洋文学与时代精神结合在一起,表现出了新的发展和特色,即人类对于海洋的初步了解以及由此而已的海洋神秘性的部分消解。

    From the Qin dynasty to the Jin dynasty , the sea literature combines the old sense with new sprit of the times and represents new developments and characteristics . It shows that human beings get to know the sea slowly and partly removes the mystery of the sea .

  29. 浅论20世纪西方文学批评的时代特征

    On Time-related Features of 20th Century Western Literary Criticism

  30. 俞樾认为文学创作受时代背景及个人的生平遭际的制约,由此尊重个体审美的差异。

    He believed literature was constrained by background of times and individual experience .