
  • 网络cultural colonization;cultural colonialism;cultural colonialization
  1. 文化殖民语境下的翻译实践

    Translation in Context of Cultural Colonialism

  2. 在文化殖民的阴影下,她试图用德里达差异理论为中国诗歌以及文化争得生存的空间。

    Under the shadow of cultural colonialism , she attempted to win over existing room for our national poetry and culture by Derrida 's Difference Theory .

  3. 后殖民是一种精神殖民、文化殖民。

    Post - colonization is a kind of cultural and spiritual colonization .

  4. 关于二十世纪西方文化殖民批评的批评

    Critique on 20th Century Cultural Colonialist Critique

  5. 另一方面,她的小说中也存在着浓厚的说教意味或者说是文化殖民的色彩。

    On the other hand , there also existed thick preachy significance or culture colonial implication .

  6. 在文化殖民的第一个阶段,中国传统文化一如既往地自信;

    In the first stage of cultural colonization , Chinese were confident in their culture as ever before ;

  7. 文化殖民现象在当今世界的存在是一个不争的事实,学界已有众多研究。

    It is a fact , which is beyond question , that there is cultural colonization phenomenon in the world today .

  8. 再次,坚决反对文化殖民与文化霸权,提高同文化帝国主义进行斗争的自觉性与有效性。

    People should firmly oppose cultural colonization and cultural hegemony , and enhance the self-consciousness and effectiveness in combating cultural imperialism .

  9. 全球化进程包含着文化殖民,这是一个携带着强大资本与发达技术的西方文化不断扩张的过程。

    The course of the globalization included cultural colonization whose essence had been expansion of west culture with powerful capital and developed technique .

  10. 与此同时,托妮.莫里森敏锐地意识到黑人民众在意识形态领域所遭受到的文化殖民。

    And at the same time , Toni Morrison is acutely conscious of the cultural colonization in the ideological field imposed on black people .

  11. 新时期新世纪以来,面对全球化语境和西方强劲的文化殖民倾向,我国民本经济迅速崛起。

    Since the entering of new century , facing the tendencies of globalization language environment and west powers ' culture colonization , China 's people-oriented economy has developed quickly .

  12. 大学作为新思潮、新观念、新概念的发源地,是中国现代体育的根据地、集中地。大学之道在文化殖民?

    The university , as the birthplace of the new ideological trend , new idea and new concept , is the origin ground of Chinese modern sports and the centre of culture .

  13. 面对由此引发的文化殖民的隐忧和呼唤文化对话的诉求,我们将如何应对。

    Face arising from the " Literature aphasia ", " cultural colonization " of the worries and calls for " cultural dialogue " demands , we will be how to deal with .

  14. 在全球化的潮流下,西方发达资本主义国家凭借他们在全球化中的主导地位,对欠发达国家推行文化殖民政策,以达到其称霸世界的目的。

    With globalization , in order the developed capital countries in western who are dominant in the world implement the policy of culture colonization to the developing countries to preserve their ruling status and continue to dominate the world .

  15. 尤其是西方强国,借助媒介霸权地位,对第三世界国家形成了文化殖民入侵之势,对包括中国在内的文化传播弱国形成巨大的威胁。

    Especially with the Western powers media hegemony of the cultural potential of colonial invasion , for the third world countries formed the cultural potential of the colonial rule , including China , the culture communication forms great contribution to the threat .

  16. 但在全球化的今天,中国文学不可避免地受到了后现代主义的影响,西方文化殖民的影响正在逐渐加大,这是中华民族在强大的西方文化面前遭遇的新一次精神危机。

    But in the globalization today , Chinese literature ; inevitably the influence of post-modernism , the influence of the western colonial culture is gradually increase , this is the Chinese nation in the western culture in strong before a new spiritual crisis .

  17. 他是日本霸权文化对殖民地台湾的施虐者,同时也是文学泛政治化的受害者与牺牲品。

    On behalf of the supremacy from Japan , he is a criminal who did harm to the Taiwanese culture , meanwhile , he also became the victim of Political Literature .

  18. 福斯特在小说中批判了英印人欧洲中心主义的观点,这些英印人认为他们自己的英欧文化比殖民地文化优越,这也是阻碍西方人了解印度的一个重要因素。

    Forster is fascinated by Indian religions and the mysterious features of India . He criticizes the Euro-centrism of the Anglo-Indians who believe in the superiority of their own Anglo-European culture to that of the colonized . It is a negative factor for westerners to understand India .

  19. 当代中国青年文化的后殖民特征

    On Youth Culture of Modern China in Post - colonist Situation

  20. 殖民时期文学中的文化表征受到殖民思想的影响,强化了殖民者与殖民地之间的不平等关系。

    Influenced by colonialist ideology , literature in colonial period intensified the unequal cultural relationship between colonizers and colonized .

  21. 但是,由于文化传统、殖民历史、法律制度等原因,使得各国对地理标志的保护问题产生分歧,其中以法国和美国为代表国家。

    But , as the cultural tradition , colonial history , legal system and other reasons , countries have some difference for the protection of GIs , including the France and the United States .

  22. 针对这一被建构起来的身体神话,第三部分从文化差异、殖民诱惑、话语权力三个方面对其进行解构,指出特定现实中中国人身体形象作为他者形象的意识形态性。

    The third part mainly deconstructs the body myth constructed by Euro-American country from cultural difference , colonial expansion , power of discourse , and points out that Chinese body image has its ideology feature in particular reality .

  23. 摘要通过对《盛京时报》洋货广告的介绍,阐释广告文化中的殖民文化现象,进而解读这种文化现象背后的文化霸权及其对中国固有的民族文化造成的严重冲击。

    In the paper , the author introduces the advertisement for foreign goods in Shengjing times , expounds the colonial culture phenomenon and interprets cultural hegemony behind colonial civilization and its great impact on the national culture of china .

  24. 大学教师身份认同的文化逻辑&后殖民理论的视角

    Cultural Logic of College Teachers ' Status Identity : A Perspective of Post-colonial Theory

  25. 特立尼达是一个文化拼凑的被殖民国家,处在世界的边缘。

    Trinidad is a colony country of culture-medley , at the edge of world .

  26. 魔鬼的笔迹(二)&前殖民话语,人种/族类见解和跨文化认同在德国殖民过程中的作用

    " The Devil 's Handwriting ": Precolonial Discourse , Ethnographic Acuity and Cross-Identification in German Colonialism

  27. 这些研究也向我们展示了不同的视角,诸如文体,身份,文化冲突和后殖民理论等等。

    Different angles such as genre , identity , cultural confliction and postcolonial theories are presented .

  28. 以此为视点揭示传统命名历史继承的文化表述。后殖民批评话语与异文化表述&谈中国译者从事汉籍英译的资格

    Post-colonial Criticism and Heterogeneous Cultural Expressions : & On the Qualification for Translating Chinese Classics into English by Native Chinese Translators

  29. 通过将本土语言文化翻译进入后殖民文学文本,后殖民杂糅写作起着重写后殖民文化身份的作用。

    Through translation , the postcolonial writers incorporated the elements of the indigenous language and culture into the postcolonial literary texts .

  30. 翻译的文化转向和后殖民转向否定了传统译论中关于完全平等的理想预设,转而探求影响翻译行为的外部宏观因素。

    With the cultural turn and postcolonial turn in translation studies , the ideal of complete equivalence in traditional translation studies is negated . Postcolonial approaches to translation shift to inspect the exterior and macro factors influencing the act of translation .