
wén huà shì chǎnɡ
  • cultural market
  1. 广州文化市场的现状与发展探析

    Probing into the Present Condition and Development of Cultural Market in Guangzhou

  2. 以多种方式促进秦皇岛市影视文化市场的繁荣

    To Promote Television Cultural Market of Qinhuangdao City in Variety of Ways

  3. 基于PDA的文化市场稽查系统的自动化数据流

    Auto Data Flow in Culture Field Check System Based on PDA

  4. 调整营销思路,促进企业文化市场化;

    Readjust marketing strategy , promote the marketization of enterprise culture ;

  5. 开拓文化市场与打造文化产品畅销品牌

    Exploiting Market of Culture and Creating Cultural Product with Salable Brand

  6. 中国近代文化市场的稿费制

    The Study of Author 's Remuneration in Chinese Modern Culture Market

  7. 开发文学在大众文化市场中的独特价值

    Unique Values of Development Literature in the Popular Culture Market

  8. 认清定位寻找突破口&改革当前文化市场管理的新思维

    New Ideas in the Reform of Present Culture Market Management

  9. 四是加大网络文化市场案件查处力度。

    Fourth , increase efforts to investigate cases of network culture market .

  10. 培育文化市场,繁荣文化产业。

    To cultivate cultural market and flourish cultural industry .

  11. 高校校园文化市场的培育与调控

    The Cultivation and Control of College Campus Culture Market

  12. 论转型期我国政府与文化市场建设

    Transformation Period Our Country Government and Culture Market Developments

  13. 论旅游城市的文化市场建设

    On the Construction of Culture Market in Tourism City

  14. 整顿文化市场,清理精神垃圾;

    Neatening cultural market to clean up spiritual garbage ;

  15. 第二,整顿网络文化市场,净化网络环境。

    The next step is marshalling networks and cultural markets , cleaning network environment .

  16. 与此同时,文化市场也出现了很多问题。

    At the same time , the cultural market also appeared a lot of problems .

  17. 净化网吧文化市场的策略

    The Strategy on Clearing the Net-bar Market

  18. 培育文化市场;

    To nurture the culture market ;

  19. 致力于把具有欧洲传统风格的嘉年华引入中国,引入中国文化市场!

    Committed to have European classic Carnival introduction of China , to introduce Chinese culture market !

  20. 跨文化市场营销组合理论是跨文化市场营销理论的重要组成部分。

    The theory of cross-cultural marketing mix is an important part of the theory of cross-cultural marketing .

  21. 美国企业最早熟悉文化市场中相对较新的商业模式。

    US corporations have the longest familiarity with the relatively new business models used in cultural markets .

  22. 我国文化市场充斥暴力文化,暴力文化的刺激性迎合了青少年的好奇心理。

    The cultural market is filled with culture of violence as it caters to the teenagers ' curiosity .

  23. 目前,旅游文化市场的相关翻译研究已取得一系列成果。

    At present , the study of tourism culture and market translation has accumulated a series of achievements .

  24. 要确立篮球文化市场的定位,在商品经营中要转变为篮球文化商品。

    In order to establish basketball cultural market , we should shift from commodity marketing to basketball cultural marketing .

  25. 三是加强重点市场监管,确保暑期电玩文化市场安全规范。

    Third , strengthening the focus on market supervision , to ensure market safety norms summer video game culture .

  26. 抢占中国文化市场,给我国稚嫩的文化产业带来巨大竞争压力。

    Strong penetration of western cultures to the cultural market in China presents an enormous pressure to our cultural industry .

  27. 完善文化市场体系和文化服务体系,拉动文化产业快速增长。

    Fourthly , improving the cultural market system and cultural service system and stimulating the rapid growth of cultural industries .

  28. 电影已经成为城市生活中不可以缺少的一部分,是文化市场的重要商品。

    The films are regarded as an essential section of city life and the important commodity in the culture market .

  29. 同时,该所将情况向大冶市文化市场综合执法大队进行了通报。

    Meanwhile , the Institute will Daye City , the cultural market to the law enforcement unit conducted a comprehensive briefing .

  30. 第四、加强文化市场监管,为未成年人提供生动活泼、健康向上的精神文化产品。

    Forth , enhance the supervising on the cultural market in order to provide the youth lively and healthy spiritual product .