
  • 网络culture change;Cultural Change;cultural shifts;acculturation
  1. 并且,如果来自科学和经济上的竞争压力与确保科学服务于人类两者之间取得了平衡,也就不会促使科学内部产生必要的文化变迁(culturalshifts)。

    Nor will it lead to the cultural shifts that are needed within science itself if the pressures of competition both scientific and economic are to balance with ensuring science serves humanity .

  2. 萧逸认为,兔斯基狂热反映了某种更深层次的文化变迁。

    Mr Siu believes that the enthusiasm for Tuzki reflects wider cultural shifts .

  3. 是什么使这些案件成功?双方合作的其他顾问在Brunel学习,虽然项目成果是成功的,但不大成功地推动了文化变迁。

    What made these cases successful ? The collaborations of other consultancies in the Brunel study , though successful in their project outcomes , were less successful in catalyzing culture change .

  4. 土家族居住及饮食文化变迁

    The Changes of Tujia Nationaligy ′ s Living and Food Culture

  5. 文化变迁是历史发展的必然。

    Culture change is the necessity of the history 's development .

  6. 乡村回族社区人情文化变迁研究

    The " favors " Cultural Change Research in Hui tribe Community

  7. 北京胡同的社会文化变迁与旅游开发

    The Sociocultural Changes of Beijing Hutong and the Development of Tourism

  8. 苏维埃时期吉尔吉斯人的文化变迁和族际关系

    Kyrgyz Cultural Variance and Their Interracial Relations in the Soviet Period

  9. 因此,民俗文化变迁研究是一个永不过时的研究课题。

    Therefore , the folk culture change is a timeless research topic .

  10. 社会生产方式与生育文化变迁研究

    Research on the Social Production Mode and the Vicissitudes of Birth Culture

  11. 首先对工人阶级的文化变迁做了介绍。

    First , the cultural changes of the working class is introduced .

  12. 针对这一宗教文化变迁,笔者认为,社会变迁是决定性的因素。

    The social vicissitudes are the decisive factor for the religion-culture changes .

  13. 文化变迁视野下的公民文化

    The Citizen Culture in the Visual Field of Culture Vicissitudes

  14. 近二十年来中国政治文化变迁与分析

    Analyses of China 's Political Culture Transformation during the Last Two Decades

  15. 散居于汉族中间的回族的文化变迁现象最能体现这一点。

    The Hui nationality scattering in Han can best reflect this point .

  16. 文化变迁是一场纷繁复杂、生动万千的过程,不是某种文化在同一时间全部发生变迁。

    Cultural change is a complex and active process .

  17. 文化变迁视野中的村民自治文化

    Villager Autonomy Culture in the Perspective of Cultural Change

  18. 鄂西南苗族家庭的发展变化与文化变迁&以宣恩县小茅坡营苗族村为例

    Changes of Miao Families and Culture in Southwest Hubei

  19. 文化变迁中初中语文教材的内容选择问题研究

    A Study on Content Choice of Junior Chinese Textbook

  20. 文化变迁中的民族地区职业教育

    Vocational Education in Minority Nationalities Area in Culture Change

  21. 武夷山社区文化变迁探析

    Investigations of Reasons of Community Culture Changes in the Area of Wuyi Mountain

  22. 通常,这涉及到泛组织文化变迁的努力。

    Almost always , this involved apan-organisational culture changeeffort .

  23. 旅蒙商与内蒙古西部地区经济&文化变迁

    Merchants Traveling Mongolia and Economic and Cultural Change in Inner Mongolian Western Areas

  24. 中国近代文化变迁与教育变革

    Chinese Cultural Changes and Educational Reforms in Modern Times

  25. 论社会文化变迁与社会心理现代化

    On Social Culture Changes and Social Mentality Modernization

  26. 且史前文化变迁与气候变化在时相上具有一致性。

    The changes of pre-history culture and the climate are identical with each other .

  27. 20世纪中国文化变迁和教育变革的历史分析

    A historic analysis of Chinese cultural changes and education reform in the 20th century

  28. 土家族农村地区宗族文化变迁与村寨治理

    Culture of Clan Changes and Village Governance in Rural Areas of the Tujia Nationality

  29. 柯尔克孜(吉尔吉斯)跨国民族社会文化变迁研究

    The Study on the Social Culture Change of Khalkhas ( Kirghiz ) Cross-Border Nationality

  30. 转型期的农村家庭文化变迁探析

    An Analysis on the Change of Rural Family Culture in the Period of Transition