
  • 网络quantitative factor;quantity factor;variables data
  1. 在发展趋势上,投资效率因素在地区经济发展中的作用越来越明显,而单纯数量因素的作用则呈现不断弱化的趋势,旅游扶贫政策需要进一步深化和完善。

    In terms of developing trend , the investment efficiency factor is playing more and more conspicuous role in local economic development while the mere quantitative factor is showing the trend of continual weakness .

  2. 农业试验中某些数量因素的水平,常常难以控制到完全一致,而表现非固定变异。

    Some quantitative factors in agricultural experiment often have indeterminate levels .

  3. 结果表明:(1)在Ebbinghaus错觉形成过程中,认知方式因素、诱导圆大小因素和诱导圆数量因素都会影响到错觉量的大小。

    According to the indices of illusion size and eye movement features , we found that : ( 1 ) variables of cognitive factor , the size of induce circle and the number of induce circle can affect the evaluation of test circle in Ebbinghaus illusion .

  4. 通过建立小学1~5年级语文,数学成绩关于上述非数量因素的10个多元回归方程。

    With the ten multivariate regression equations established on .

  5. 当前影响教学科研型大学研究生招生生源数量因素探析

    Analysis on the teaching-research University enrolling student amount factor

  6. 人口因素对自然环境的影响,主要包括人口数量因素对自然环境的影响和人口质量因素对自然环境的影响。

    The influences of population factors on nature mainly include population quantity and quality .

  7. 交通肇事罪构成中结果标准的数量因素分析

    Quantitative Analysis on Traffic Accident Crime

  8. 儿童在社会认知领域的推理过程中考虑数量因素的能力发展,基本证实凯斯理论的文化普遍性。

    In the social cognition domain , the cultural universality of the Case 's theory between China and America is basically verified .

  9. 采用近十几年发展起来的非数量因素数量化的方法对这两个因素进行了处理,其结果证明,可以用这种方法有效地提取地层信息和钻头类型信息。

    This paper introduces a new method to deal with the drilling factors . Result shows that this method can obtain information of formation and bit .

  10. 结果发现:(1)儿童在社会认知和科学推理两个领域的推理过程中考虑数量因素的能力发展,均表现出随年龄增长而提高。

    The results showed as follows : ( 1 ) Children 's ability to consider quantitative factors in the reasoning process of both the social cognition and the scientific reasoning develops as they grow up .

  11. 本文对影响植株间菌丝桥传递转移~(32)P数量的因素进行了初步的讨论。

    The factors which affected the ~ ( 32 ) P transfer via VAM hyphae were also discussed .

  12. 详细分析了在三维电极系统中,施加电压、辅助电解质浓度、进水pH、进水浓度以及填充粒子的数量等因素对有机物降解产生的影响。

    Furthermore , the effects of operating conditions on the oxidation efficiency of organic pollutants , such as cell voltage , electrolyte concentration , initial pH , concentration of wastewater and the quantity of particle electrodes are also investigated .

  13. 然而,英国伦敦帝国理工学院的FrankvanVee指出,拟寄生物不是唯一能够控制毛虫数量的因素。

    Frank van Veen of Imperial College , United Kingdom , points out , however , that parasitoids are not the only things that can control caterpillar numbers .

  14. 主要结果如下:湖南宁乡烟区烟草PVY病发生与栽种品种、耕作制度、烟田环境、烟草生长时期及蚜虫数量等因素有着密切的关系。

    The main results are as follows : The occurrences of tobacco PVY diseases in Ningxiang has a close relationship to the plant varieties , cropping systems , the environment of tobacco fields , tobacco growth period , the number of aphids and other factors .

  15. 影响企业创立品牌数量的因素研究

    Research about factors in influencing brand 's amount of the corporation

  16. 福建省耕地数量影响因素分析

    An Analysis on Factors Affecting the Amount of Cultivated Land in Fujian Province

  17. 接着,详细研究了影响人员伤亡数量的因素;

    Then , the factors influencing the number of casualties are studied in detail .

  18. 农村劳动力转移的速度与数量影响因素分析

    Analysis of Factors Affecting the Speed and Quantity of China 's Rural-Urban Labor Migration

  19. 成功几率依受孕女性的年龄及取出的卵子数量等因素而有所变化。

    The odds vary by factors including a woman 's age and the number of eggs retrieved .

  20. 新生儿肠道双歧杆菌数量影响因素与其婴儿期腹泻关系

    The study on the relationship between the relative factors affecting the Bifidobacterium in neonatal intestines and the infant diarrhea

  21. 结论胰岛素瘤的手术方式应该根据病变的性质、部位、数量等因素决定;

    Conclusion The operation should be based on such properties as the nature , the quantity and the spot of lesions .

  22. 许多大的州根据人口、地理以及待处理案件数量等因素划分为两个、三个甚至四个司法管辖区。

    Many larger states are divided into two , three or even four judicial districts , depending on population , geography and caseload .

  23. 即使考虑进婚姻状况、种族、教育情况、收入及之前孩子的数量等因素后,睡眠也与体重恢复(滞留)有关。

    Sleep was related to weight retention even after taking into account factors such marital status , ethnicity , education , income , and number of previous children .

  24. 尽管旅游机构预测,到2020年,中国游客每年将达29万人次,但有人指出,抑制游客数量的因素不仅仅是签证制度。

    Despite tourist bodies predicting Chinese visitors will reach 290,000 a year by 2020 , some argue it is not just visa bureaucracy that will keep numbers down .

  25. 研究了土壤电阻率、罐底的极化特性、阳极的埋深、与罐距离及数量等因素对罐底外侧阴极保护电位分布的影响,并将模拟结果与实测数据进行了对比。

    The effects of soil resistivity , polarization characteristic of tank bottom , depth of anode , distance between anode and tank on cathodic protection potential distribution of tank bottom are studied .

  26. 进一步研究发现,城市化进程还受到房地产价格波动、人均购房面积、城市人口数量等因素的影响。

    The farther research discovered that the process of urbanization are also influenced by real estate price fluctuate , house purchase area per people , population amount of the city and so on .

  27. 指出了用概率方法计算能反映不同类型用水单位组合、单位器具负荷用户数和卫生器具数量等因素对设计流量的影响。

    The design flow rate calculated by the probability method has already considered the effects of combination of different consumption units , consumption loading per unit and the total amount of sanitary fittings .

  28. 平均的写延迟在100&400毫秒左右,具体时间取决于数据中心之间的距离、写入的数据大小以及完整复制的数量等因素。

    Most users see average write latencies of100 – 400 ms , depending on the distance between datacenters , the size of the data being written , and the number of full replicas .

  29. 污染和捕获是影响种群生存和发展的两个重要因素,而且种群的生存空间日益狭小,捕获量也往往随季节、种群数量等因素的改变而变化。

    Pollution and capture are two important factors which affect the existence and development of population , and capture changes with the transformation of season and population when existence space is smaller and smaller .

  30. 如果没有故障发生,不一致性窗口的最大尺寸可能根据通信延迟、系统上的负载以及复制模式中涉及的副本数量等因素来决定。

    If no failures occur , the maximum size of the inconsistency window can be determined based on factors such as communication delays , the load on the system , and the number of replicas involved in the replication scheme .