
shù zǔ
  • array;block;digit group
数组[shù zǔ]
  1. 它描述的含义,后缀数组以及如何建立它。

    It described the meaning of suffix array and also how to built it .

  2. C语言中指针与数组的选用及效率剖析

    Analysis of the Selection and Efficiency of Pointer and Array in C Language

  3. 多个系统在复杂的数组中连接起来。

    The various systems are coupled together in complex arrays .

  4. 在C语言中用指针实现科学计算的动态数组

    Using indicator to caculate scientifically dynamic arrays in C language

  5. C语言多维动态数组的实现

    The Creation of Multidimensional Dynamic Arrays of C Programming Language

  6. 它概括了C指针和数组类型的概念。

    It has outlined the concepts of modeling C # pointer and array types .

  7. 此方法从GET数组中获取$query、$slop和$field。

    This method retrieves the $ query , the $ slop , and the $ field from the GET array .

  8. 然后迭代此表列表,动态地针对每个迭代生成一个新的elements数组。

    It then iterates over this table list , dynamically generating a new elements array on each iteration .

  9. 在Web服务之间转换对象集合的唯一方法是将其作为数组。

    The only way in which collections of objects should be transferred between Web services is as an array .

  10. array包含数组数据类型和相关函数。

    Array contains array datatypes and related functions .

  11. 在本例中,我只简单地向名为gbooks的数组添加了Book对象。

    In this case , I simply add Book objects to an array called g_books .

  12. 第二个循环写items数组。

    A second loop writes the items array .

  13. VISUALBASIC中,动态数组的使用非常灵活,其用途十分广泛。

    In Visual Basic , the dynamic numerical tuple has been extensively used in many cases in a flexible way .

  14. 另外JAVA值的类型和数组不应该存有远程引用。

    In addition , the Java value types and arrays should not hold a remote reference .

  15. 对数组的处理和模块调用的处理,仍旧是Java语言符号执行研究的难点。

    Secondly , solutions for array and module call are still difficulties of Java symbolic execution .

  16. 再回到loadslides,要注意它引用了一个名为gdirections的数组。

    Getting back to load_slides , notice that it references an array called g_directions .

  17. 此Element数组是调用方的输出参数集,将返回到Axis服务器。

    This Element array is the output parameter set for the invoker and is returned to the Axis server .

  18. 调整数组大小&一种减少Cache失效率的有效方法

    Tuning Sizes of Arrays : An Effective Method to Reduce Cache Miss Ratio

  19. 在指定的位置,返回一个细节物体密度的2D数组。

    Returns a2D array of the detail object density in the specific location .

  20. 例如,在javascript.xsl中以红色突出显示的行中,样式表初始化JavaScript数组;

    For example , in the lines highlighted in red in javascript .

  21. 巧用VB控件数组、菜单数组及动态特性

    Skillful Utilization of VB Control Array 、 Menu Array and Dynamic Characteristics

  22. Slice标准函数只允许作为打开数组参数

    Slice standard function only allowed as open array argument

  23. 本文将一维数组的几种常用排序方法直接推广到二维数组中,并给出了相应的优化BASIC语言程序供读者参考。

    In this paper we extend the method of sorting one dimensional array elements to two-dimensional array elements and give corresponding optimum BASIC program for user 's choice .

  24. 一个PHP关联数组用来传递核心银行逻辑的结果。

    A PHP associative array carries the results of the core bank logic .

  25. tabs数组保存各选项卡的id、title和html值。

    The tabs array holds the id , title , and html values of each tab .

  26. 而且,示例程序sqllib/samples/cli/tbload.c提供了数组插入的基本框架(但是执行的是CLILOAD)。

    C has the basic framework for array inserts ( but does a CLI LOAD instead ) .

  27. 词条数组中的每个词条(ti)有一个指针,指向含有ti的所有文本组成的链表。

    Each entry in the Term array has a pointer to contain all the linked list consisted by text .

  28. 机群系统中基于MPI的多维稀疏数组传递方法

    Methods Based on MPI to Pass Multidimensional Sparse Array in Cluster

  29. 在TURBOPASCAL中实现保形数组参数的功能

    The Implementation of the Function of Adjustable Array Parameter in Turbo Pascal Language

  30. 在创建z的过程中通过使用x和y进行注标创建了刻度宽和高的一个数组。

    Indexing by x and y in the creation of z creates an array of the width and height of the indices .