
  • 网络symbolic-graphic combination;combination of number and form
  1. 数形结合的思想方法是非常重要且应用广泛的数学思想之一。

    The method of " The combination of number and form " is one of the most important and the most widely used methods .

  2. 高一学生利用数形结合思想解题时对计算器的使用存在不均衡现象。

    Imbalances exist between students when they solving symbolic-graphic combination problems with calculators .

  3. 数形结合巧解题

    Solution of Problems with Number - & - Form Combination Method

  4. 高等数学中数形结合教学模式的探讨

    Discussion on Teaching Pattern Combining Figure with Chart in Higher Mathematics

  5. 数形结合法的几个应用

    Several applications about the method of integrating algebra with geometrical figure

  6. 数形结合思想在《数列》教学中的应用

    The use of Combination of Data and Shape in the Teaching

  7. 教师在教学中应注意培养学生数形结合的思想。

    The number shape union is one important teaching thinking method .

  8. 谈初中数学中的数形结合教学

    On the Combination of Quantities and Spatial Forms in Junior Maths Teaching

  9. 数形结合与高等数学问题处理数字口译探究

    Resolution of Advanced Mathematics Problems by Com-bining Numbers with Figures

  10. 数形结合是推动数学发展的动力。

    Number shape union is the driving force of the development of mathematics .

  11. 数形结合方法在解决数学问题中的应用

    The Method of " Several Shapes Combinations " is Applied in Solving Mathematical Problems

  12. 数形结合在解题中的应用

    Applying Digit - figure Combination in Problem solving

  13. 对中学数学教学中数形结合思想方法的反思与展望。

    For middle school mathematics teaching method combining the number of reflection and prospect .

  14. 用数形结合解析单纯形方法教学中的几个问题

    Analysis of the Problems in Simple Shape Method With Combination of Number and Shape

  15. 中学数学中数形结合思想的应用

    Applying the Thinking of Numeric and Picture Combination in the Mathematics Teaching of Middle School

  16. 建立直觉观念,渗透数形结合思想。

    Build up intuitive concepts , and penetrate the thought of combining numbers with pictures .

  17. 数形结合是一种重要的数学思想方法。

    It is an important way of thinking of mathematics to count the shape and combine .

  18. 从抽象到具体&数形结合

    From the Abstraction to the Specific & the Combination of " Number " and " Icon "

  19. 探索渗透数形结合思想方法的教学途径,并给出一些教学实例;

    4n Exploring ways of implementing of number-shape combination methodology in teaching and providing some teaching instances .

  20. 数形结合策略;

    Number shape union tactics ;

  21. 第二部分对数学思想方法与数形结合思想方法分别进行了阐述。

    The second part of the mathematical way of thinking and methodology of number-shape combination are expounded respectively .

  22. 男生利用计算器进行多次数值计算的熟练程度高,而女生在数形结合时更能兼顾数和形。

    Boys are skilled in numerical calculation while girls perform better in the combination of both number and shape .

  23. 利用数形结合的思想为不等式构造解析几何模型,并加以推广。

    This article structures and extends an analytic geometry model for a inequation based on combining numbers and shapes .

  24. 数形结合思想在教学过程中还应注意等价性、双向性、简单性等三个问题。

    Several Shapes Combinations thinking in the teaching process should be equivalent to two-way , such as three simple questions .

  25. 学生在进行数形结合时表现为两种不同知觉水平的类比,一是利用表面结构特征的相似性,以及进行局部结构映射的低知觉水平类比。

    One is low-level-perception analogy which use the similarity of appearance structure to make analogy and which make partial structure mapping .

  26. 第三章阐述的是教师应如何在高中数学教学中培养数形结合思想方法。

    The third chapter is how teachers should cultivate the number shape in the high school mathematics teaching combining thinking methods .

  27. 笔者结合自己在高中的教学实践经验,详细介绍了数形结合思想方法及及其应用。

    The author combines his practical experience of teaching in high school , introduces The Combination of thinking and its application .

  28. 同时,在整个解题教学过程中,要注重数形结合解题思维能力的训练。

    In the meantime , it must pay attention to the training of thinking ability with symbolic-graphic combination in the course .

  29. 在解答有关代数、几何问题时,常用的一种方法是数形结合。

    When answering some algebra and geometry problems , we often use one kind of method of " several shapes combination " .

  30. 在课堂教学中,数形结合思想的应用给枯燥的数学课堂带来不少生气,让学生有耳目一新的感觉。

    In classroom teaching , The Combination of the application of ideas will bring a fresh feeling to the boring math class .