
  • 网络Math;mathematical ability;math ability;Numeracy
  1. “中学是一个重要的年龄段,因为学生有足够的数学能力来解决高级问题但他们并没有真正决定将来到底想做什么。”罗教授说。

    " Middle school is an important age because students have enough math capability to solve advanced problems , but they haven 't really decided what they want to do with their lives , " said Loh .

  2. 第三,她们也怀疑自己有没有足够的资格和高等数学能力来攻读MBA课程。

    Third , they expressed doubts as to whether they had the quantitative background and the advanced math skills to handle MBA courses .

  3. 测试包含对语言能力、数学能力和抽象推理能力的考查。

    The test has scores for verbal skills , mathematical skills , and abstract reasoning skills

  4. 商科专业大学毕业生也必须具备良好的数学能力,因为大部分学位涉及定量研究法和统计学领域课程。

    Business graduates must also be numerate , because most degrees will have courses in quantitative methods and statistics .

  5. 你很快就将面对几个艰难抉择:是用周末提高数学能力来让GMAT考分增加3%,还是去参观你第四志愿的商学院?

    You will soon be faced with some tough choices : do you spend the weekend polishing up your maths skills to eke out another 3 per cent on the GMAT , or do you visit your fourth-choice school .

  6. 对称思想对学生数学能力的培养和作用

    Symmetry in the Development of Students ' Ability of Maths Thinking

  7. 高考复习应体现数学能力的培养

    Train the Mathematical Ability in Review of College Entrance Examination

  8. 比如说,统计员的数学能力要求是97分。

    For example , statisticians have a math importance rating of 97 .

  9. 社会环境对数学能力性别差异产生潜移默化的影响;

    The social environment has the influence on sexuality differences ;

  10. 随班就读轻度智力残疾学生数学能力研究

    Research on Mathematics Ability of Mild Retardation Students Learning in Regular Class

  11. 注重过程教学,培养数学能力

    Paying attention to process teaching , fostering mathematical ability

  12. 中国小学生基本数学能力发展水平现状抽样研究

    Investigation on the mathematical competence of Chinese primary students

  13. 但是根据约翰霍普金斯大学的研究,所有的小孩在暑假中数学能力都会降低。

    Math slides affect all students , according to the Johns Hopkins research .

  14. 新课程对小学生数学能力影响的延迟效应

    The Delayed Effect of New Curriculum on Primary School Students ' Math Capacity

  15. 数学能力的高低会影响学生进行物质的量问题解决。

    Math skills may affect students ' solving ' amount of substance ' problems .

  16. 优化教学内容,发展数学能力的主要策略

    The main strategies of bettering the teaching content , developing the ability in mathematics

  17. 论数学能力的构成及其培养

    On the cultivation and development of mathematics abilities

  18. 如何评价学生的数学能力

    How to Evaluate the Students ' Mathematical Ability

  19. 她那早慧的数学能力令她的父母非常吃惊。

    Her precocious mathematical ability astounded her parents .

  20. 由此得出,数字意识和基本数学能力有关,在还没上学的小孩子身上就能反映出来。

    Meaning that number sense correlated with basic math skills , even in pre-schoolers .

  21. 目的:开展中德儿童基本数学能力跨文化比较,探讨我国数学基础教育的不足,为改善教育质量提供决策依据。

    Objective : To compare differences between Chinese and German students in basic mathematical competencies .

  22. 虽然重点在(培养孩子们的)阅读和数学能力,这家幼儿园还开展丰富多彩的活动。

    Though the emphasis is on reading and mathematics , the kindergarten has various programs .

  23. 浅谈数学能力与数学学习

    On Math Ability and Math Study

  24. 中学数学能力性别差异研究述评

    A Survey of the Study of the Middle School Students ' Sexuality Differences in Mathematics Ability

  25. 几何课程在这些数学能力的培养上所起的作用为其他课程所无法代替。

    The role of geometry courses on these mathematical abilities can not be replaced by other courses .

  26. 传统的数学能力结构把数学的基本能力分为计算能力、空间想象能力和抽象思维能力。

    The traditional classification of basic mathematical abilities is calculating ability , space imaginative power and abstract thought .

  27. 达不到这些睡眠要求的儿童则与语言、阅读、初等数学能力较低联系起来。

    Getting less than that was linked to lower abilities in language , reading and early math skills .

  28. 培养和提高学生的数学能力,使学生具备较高的数学素养,对基础教育有非常重要的意义。

    It is of critical importance for basic education instructors to cultivate students ' skills and abilities in math .

  29. 研究显示黑猩猩在记忆力测试方面甚至超过人类,而猩猩则表现出令人惊叹的数学能力。

    Chimpanzees have even been shown to outperform humans in memory tests and orang-utans have demonstrated impressive mathematical abilities .

  30. 这项计算机化考试测试的是考生的语文和数学能力,考试时间210分钟(加上休息时间总计220分钟)。

    The computerised test assesses verbal and mathematical dexterity and runs for 210 minutes ( 220 minutes with breaks ) .