
  • 网络digital finance
  1. 该数字来自金融危机后对陷入困境的爱尔兰银行部门进行的压力测试。

    The figure emerged from stress tests carried out on the troubled Irish banking sector following the financial crisis .

  2. 最新报告称,欧洲作为一个亿万富翁中心已经落后于亚洲,原因是欧洲未能跟上数字和金融行业创业爆炸的步伐。

    Europe has slipped behind Asia as a hub for billionaires after failing to keep pace with the entrepreneurial explosion in digital and finance sectors , according to a report .

  3. 研究称,对金融知识的了解已成为一项重要生活技能,因为全球化和数字科技让金融服务变得既复杂又更容易获取。

    Financial literacy had become " an essential life skill " as globalisation and digital technologies made financial services both more complex and more easily accessible , the study said .

  4. EDS在数字经济时代的金融管理

    Financial management of EDS in the era of digital economy

  5. 这个数字包括一些地下金融交易,但并非全部来自地下金融。

    That figure captures some underground finance but not all of it .

  6. 为了使风险管理更具客观和科学性,用一个数字有效地量化金融市场风险显得尤为重要。

    In order to make more objective and scientific risk management , with an effective quantitative financial market risk is particularly important .