
  • 网络digital tv system;dtv;DVB-C
  1. 采用基于GPS时钟信号,通过NTP协议实现不同平台间校时的方法,提高了数字电视系统的整体安全可靠性。

    Based on GPS signal , through NTP protocol realize different platform time checkout , this way improves the security of DTV .

  2. 自适应DBF在数字电视系统中的应用

    Application of Adaptive DBF in DTV System

  3. 地面数字电视系统中内交织器的FPGA实现

    FPGA Implementation of Inner Interleaver in Digital Terrestrial Television System

  4. 交互式数字电视系统的IP网关

    IP gateway of interactive digital TV system

  5. W:你有没有听说过一些新的数字电视系统?

    W : Have you heard about the new digital television system ?

  6. 条件接收(CA:ConditionalAccess)应用于付费数字电视系统,为数字电视的运营提供了必要的技术手段。

    Conditional Access which provides the necessary technologies for the operation of digital TV is widely used in the Pay-TV system .

  7. 数字电视系统中OFDM稀疏信道估计算法

    A Sparse Channel Estimation Algorithm for Digital Television OFDM Transmission Systems

  8. 数字电视系统中改进算法的RS编译码器设计及其FPGA实现

    Design and FPGA Implementation of Improved RS Codec Algorithm in Digital TV Systems

  9. 基于FFT的国标数字电视系统帧头模式捕获方法

    Acquisition method of frame head PN mode in DTMB system based on FFT

  10. 同时EPG也为数字电视系统其他重要的增值服务提供了方便、标准的接口,如CAS(ConditionalAccessSystem条件接收系统)、数据广播等。

    EPG also supplies the advantageous and standard interfaces for another added operations . Such as CAS ( Conditional Access System ), data broadcast etc.

  11. 目前,业界广泛采用SNMP网管协议来实现对数字电视系统的信息监控。

    Nowadays , SNMP has become a widely used network management protocol to monitor the DVB-T systems .

  12. 基于AVS的数字电视系统及其相关技术研究

    Study on the Digital TV System Based on AVS and Its Related Technologies

  13. 条件接收系统CAS是保证数字电视系统安全运行的子系统。

    Conditional Access System ( CAS ) is the subsystem that ensures the security of digital television system .

  14. 基于DVBC标准的数字电视系统采用正交幅度调制(QAM)传送信号。

    Quadrature Amplitude Modulation ( QAM ) is used to transfer signals by digital TV system based on DVB_C standard .

  15. 第二章主要讲述了数字电视系统中与节目复用相关的DVB部分标准和MPEG-2部分标准。

    Chapter 2 gives an overview of DVB and MPEG-2 transmission standards in digital video system .

  16. 采用DVB-C标准的有线数字电视系统测量方法

    The Measurement Method Applied DVB-C Standard of Cable Digital Television System

  17. 条件接受系统(CAS)是数字电视系统的核心部分,控制节目和用户的一个端到端的寻址系统。

    CAS is the kernel part of digital TV system . It is an end-to-end addressing system controlling program and subscriber .

  18. 本论文将迅速发展的FPGA技术应用于数字电视系统中,研究探讨了数字电视前端系统中的关键设备&传输流复用器的FPGA建模和实现,以及相关的关键技术。

    This paper applies the FPGA technology in digital TV system , makes research on digital TV front-end system key equipment & MPEG-2 transport stream multiplexer , and FPGA modeling and implement .

  19. 主要根据数字电视系统中的音、视频同步机制,阐述了PCR抖动的产生机理,并针对不同系统时钟机制的多路节目复用器给出了不同的消除PCR抖动的设计方案。

    This paper describes the mechanism of PCR jitter based on video and audio synchronization in Digital TV Broadcasting System , and proposes different schema of eliminating PCR jitter for multiplexing of transport stream .

  20. 通常的,数字电视系统采用的信道编码方案为RS码或卷积码,或二者的级联码,它的纠错性能与香农极限相比,仍有一定的距离。

    Conventionally , DTV systems adopt coding schemes such as RS or convolutional codes , or concatenated codes , where the error correction performance is still quite far away from the Shannon limit .

  21. 第三章将从技术层面的角度说明互动数字电视系统原理、构成和以及DVB标准。

    In the third chapter , the IDTV system principle , the structure of IDTV system prototype and DVB standard such these technical concepts will be described .

  22. 文章首先论述了关于数字电视系统的一些基本概念,介绍了MPEG-2/DVB标准以及数字电视节目专用信息(PSI),并结合多路数字节目复用的基本原理提出了一套基于FPGA的设计方案。

    The dissertation first discusses the base conception of digital television system , and introduces MPEG-2 / DVB standard and Program Special Information ( PSI ), and then provides a design scheme based FPGA .

  23. 然后介绍了数字电视系统中的重要标准MPEG-2以及传输流复用器的原理和系统结构,并且从理论上阐述了复用器设计的关键技术:PSI重组和PCR调整。

    Secondly , the paper introduces MPEG-2 system layer standard , the principle and structure of multiplexer , describes how to deal with the PSI in MPEG-2 transport stream multiplexer and how to deal with PCR adjustment .

  24. 一种用于数字电视系统中的Turbo-TCM方法

    Turbo-TCM Scheme for Digital Video Broadcast Systems

  25. 本论文主要讲述STI5512解码器的解码和PCI接口硬件设计,并认真研究了数字电视系统和PCI2.20规范。

    The paper mainly specify decoding of STI5512 and design of PCI card , and seriously study the Digital TV system and PCI2.20 specification .

  26. 文章首先介绍了关于数字电视系统的一些基本概念,MPEG-2传送流格式和MPEG-2的物理接口,以及DS3码流的帧结构。

    In the beginning , the dissertation gives an overview of digital video system and an introduction of the format of MPEG-2 transport stream , MPEG-2 physical interface and frame structure of DS3 stream .

  27. 主要介绍了数字电视系统中传输流采用MPEG-2标准进行压缩时,传输流的有效载荷中PSI/SI信息的构成,以及组成PSI/SI的各种表的主要作用。

    The article mainly introduces the composition of PSI / SI in the transport stream when transport stream adopts MPEG-2 standard to compressing in the system of DVB , and the main function of different tables of PSI / SI .

  28. 对交互数字电视系统中的标准进行了研究与比较,并给出MHP系统的接收机软件框架,在此基础上得出国内厂商在交互业务实现上的一些建议和结论。

    This article discusses the standards in interactive digital Television system , and gives the proto-type of MHP software stack , finally gives some suggestion to equipment supplier on developing interactive service .

  29. 同时,数字电视系统的飞速发展和固有的优点,成为提供互联网接入业务的有力竞争者,特别是我国的有线电视网(CATV)拥有巨大的网络资源。

    Owing to its fast development and innate broadband nature , digital TV systems , especially HFC / CATV networks , are competitive candidates for broadband access networks , which meet the bandwidth requirements of convergence of video , voice and Internet data services .

  30. 电子节目指南(EPG)是数字电视系统的重要组成部分,EPG系统的研究对于数字电视前端系统的管理和新生业务的实现都具有十分重要的意义。

    Electronic Program Guidance ( EPG ) is an important part of the digital television ( DTV ) . It 's very significant of EPG system to be used in Front-end administration and add-on services .