
  1. Rhino在产品造型设计数字化教学中的应用

    Application of Rhino to Digital Teaching of Product Modeling Design

  2. 数字化教学在模拟手术室动物实验中的应用

    Usage of Digital Teaching Model in Animal Experiments in Simulating Operating Room

  3. 大学英语数字化教学模式探析

    A Probe into the E-teaching Mode in College English Education

  4. 高校数字化教学平台建设实践与研究

    Establishment and Research of Digital Teaching Platform in High School

  5. 数字化教学资源的开发与应用是教育信息化的核心。

    E-learning resources development and application is the core of education informationization .

  6. 数字化教学资源体系的构建与应用研究

    The Research on Construction and Application of the Digitalization Teaching Materials System

  7. 数字化教学与数字化出版是信息社会发展的必然结果。

    The digital teaching of Product Modeling Design is an advanced teaching method .

  8. 构建数字化教学平台加快教育信息化进程

    Building digital teaching platform and speeding up information-oriented teaching

  9. 数字化教学信息资源建设与服务研究

    Research on Digital Teaching Information Resources Construction and Services

  10. 精品课程数字化教学资源建设的思考

    Study on Digitalized Teaching Resource Construction of Excellent Course

  11. 高校图书馆联合共建数字化教学资源

    College Library Cooperation on Building Digital Education Resource

  12. 《数字摄影》多媒体课件在数字化教学中的设计和应用

    Design of Multi-media Teaching Materials for Digital Photography

  13. 农业类高校信息技术类课程立体化数字化教学模式研究

    Research on the Digital Three-dimensional Teaching Model of Information Technology Courses in Agricultural Universities

  14. 优化数字化教学资源;

    To optimize the digitalized teaching resources ;

  15. 目前已实现数字化教学和网络化办公,是有志出国深造者的理想选择。

    It is a desired place for those who want to study abroad to choose .

  16. 该系统的建立为学校提供了一套完整的数字化教学管理工具。

    The establishment of it provides the college with a complete digital teaching management tool .

  17. 高等中医药院校数字化教学环境整体解决方案研究

    Overall project research on constructing digital teaching environment in colleges & universities of Chinese medicine

  18. 科学管理,合理应用,可使数字化教学资源系统发挥最大的效益。

    Scientific man - agement and valid application can make digital instructional resource system more effective .

  19. 面向数字化教学的现代教育技术公共课教学策略的制定与实施

    Course of Modern Education Technology for facing digital teaching design and practice of teaching tactics for public lessons

  20. 应用视角下的数字化教学资源共享对策研究&以国家现代远程教育资源库为例

    Digital Education Resources Sharing and Application : A Case Study of National Modern Open and Distance Education Resources Bank

  21. 第一部分是第一章,首先在对教育信息资源和教学信息资源区分的基础上,明确了数字化教学信息资源的概念。

    The first part is the first chapter . First of all , education resources and teaching resources are distinguished .

  22. 在数字化教学资源的制作中,实时教学资源采集平台的作用是将教师授课过程进行数字化处理。

    In the production of e-learning resources , the real-time teaching resources acquisition system is employed to digitalize the instructional content .

  23. 第三部分,是尝试应用知识管理理论,探索数字化教学资源建设的实用策略,提出应用知识管理理论建设数字化教学资源的策略。

    The third part attempts to employ the theory of knowledge management into the resource construction in quest of the practical strategies .

  24. 导致这些问题主要原因是数字化教学资源开发与应用方法不科学。

    The main cause of these problems is that the development and application methods of the E-learning resource are not scientific enough .

  25. 数字化教学模式的变革浪潮推动着信息技术与学科课程整合的研究与实践向纵深发展。

    Reform of digital teaching model has pushed studies and practice of information technology and course renovation forward to a new phase .

  26. 在建设示范应用型本科高校和实施教学质量与教学改革工程过程中,数字化教学资源建设是一项非常重要的工作。

    In the process of creating demonstration application-oriented university and teaching quality engineering , digital instructional resource construction is a very important work .

  27. 现代远程教学过程中产生了大量的数字化教学资源,高校图书馆应该对这些数字化教学资源进行整合。

    Modern remote education creates a lot of digital education resource , and the resource should be organized and kept by college library .

  28. 采用PC机系统所需的成本仍旧很高,阻碍了数字化教学的普及和应用。

    When the system uses Person Computer or proprietary chip , the high cost will baffle popularization and application of the digital teaching means .

  29. 希望这项尝试性的研究能够有益于艺术设计教学研究的拓展与深入,同时为其他学科的数字化教学资源研究、相关研发单位的类似项目研发提供可资借鉴的经验。

    This study should be beneficial to the research of art design teaching , while provide funding from the experience for other projects and other units .

  30. 从教育技术新定义角度出发,分析了数字化教学资料的特性和数字化教学资源库建设的价值内涵。

    The paper proceeds from AECT 05 new definition of education technology , to analyse the characteristic of digitals teaching resources and the value of it .