
  • 网络digitalized products;Digitized Products;Digital Product
  1. 数字化产品质量一直是国内外GIS的研究热点。

    The quality of digital products has been a hot research issue of GIS both at home and abroad .

  2. 随着Internet的发展以及音视频压缩技术的不断成熟,使得音频、图像、视频等数字化产品在网上大量发行。

    The fast growth of the Internet and the maturity of audiovisual media compression techniques make the widely on-line publication of digital products , such as audio , image , video , etc.

  3. 基于Web的数字化产品设计多目标评价系统的研究与实现

    The Research and Realization of Multi-Target Web Evaluation System Based on Digital Product Design

  4. 随着Internet用户的急剧增多和多媒体技术的飞速发展,数字化产品越来越普及。

    With the sharp increase of Internet users and the fast development of the technology of multimedia , the digital production has been more and more popular .

  5. 研究了基于ASP模式的三维数字化产品目录,重点研究了基于遗传算法的多供应商比较。

    We study 3D digital product catalog . We particularly study comparison of multi-suppliers based on genetic algorithm .

  6. 嵌入式产品是数字化产品的核心,而嵌入式Linux由于其开放源代码带来的强大的活力,成为了其中的佼佼者。

    Embedded Linux as a pet of embedded system software becomes one of the digital product kernels because of its advantage of open source .

  7. 论文中所提出的和完成的数字化产品装配过程及关键匹配要素的研究工作,对CAD系统的装配模块开发具有实用价值和参考意义。

    The research on the basic assembly process of digital product and key matching elements has important application opportunity for the development of CADassembly model in the future .

  8. 随着信息时代的到来,特别是Internet的普及,使得世界范围内的数字化产品的发布和传输变得越来越便捷和频繁,信息的安全保护问题也因此日益突出。

    With the advent of information age and the popularity of the Internet , the release and transport of digital products become more convenient and frequent . The protection of information safty therefore becomes increasingly prominent .

  9. 在并行工程中,数字化产品序列预装配规划问题属于NP难题,是自动化领域研究的热点问题之一。

    In Concurrent Engineering ( CE ), digital product pre-assembly planning is one of the NP-Hard problems and becomes a research focus in industrial automation area .

  10. 结果表明,在数字化产品设计初期引入CAE技术对于减少设计错误、缩短设计周期、提高产品设计质量具有重要的作用。

    The result shows that important effects of introducing CAE in design initial stages are proved , such as decreasing design mistakes , shortening design cycle , and increasing product design quality .

  11. 以MPEG-2为载体的数字化产品(如DVB、非线性编辑,卫星直播等)的飞速发展以及传输频带的日益紧张导致了复用器、解复用器的大量需求。

    The highly development of digital products based on MPEG-2 with usable transmittal bandwidth decreasing rapidly have resulted in the widely demand for the multiplexer and the de-multiplexer .

  12. CAD/CAM作为支持并行工程的基本条件之一,不仅要在改进的产品开发流程中实现自上而下的信息集成,还要实现自下而上的反馈和基于统一的全数字化产品模型的功能集成。

    As one of the basement which assist the CE , CAD / CAM should realizes not only the information integration from top to bottom area , but also functions integration based on the united , total digital module from bottom to top area .

  13. 数字高程模型(DEM)是基础测绘成果的数字化产品之一,在测绘、遥感、军事、工业等行业有广泛的应用。

    The digital elevation model ( DEM ) is one of the digital productions of basic surveying and mapping achievement , which are applied in surveying and mapping , remote sensing , military affairs , industry etc. .

  14. 基于产品模型族的数字化产品建模工具软件的存储功能主要运用ACIS的属性机制和ACIS支持VC开发的AMFC组件来实现。

    The storage function of " Digital product modeling software based on product model groups " is implemented by using attribute mechanism and the AMFC components supported by ACIS .

  15. 目前嵌入式系统技术已经成为最热门的技术之一,如:mp3,PDA,网络家电,智能家电,车载电子设备等各种各样数字化产品的嵌入式设备已经进入了我们的生活。

    Recently , embedded system technology has become one of the most popular technologies . All kinds of digital products , such as mp3 , PDA , Internet appliances , smart appliances and automotive electronics , have entered our lives .

  16. MPEG编解码标准自从诞生以来就一直发展迅速,并随着多媒体娱乐系统、家庭影院等数字化产品的到来而对整个影音市场产生了深远的影响。

    Since the birth day of MPEG encode standard , it has been rapidly advanced and will be of great influence upon the whole AV market with the popularity of multi-media entertainment system , home cinema system , and so on similar digital products .

  17. 而嵌入式软件是数字化产品的核心。

    And embedded software is the core part of digital products .

  18. 虚拟现实中基于用户的数字化产品开发模式

    The digital product development model bases on customers in virtual reality

  19. 数字水印技术为数字化产品的版权保护提供了一种有效方法。

    Digital watermarking is one effective way to solve the problem .

  20. 工艺数字化产品售后工艺服务子系统

    Research on the Sale Service Process Subsystem in Process Digitalization System

  21. 面向数字化产品的自然语言查询技术的研究与开发

    A Research and Development on the Digital Product-Oriented Natural Language Query Techniques

  22. 成本会计的新领域:数字化产品成本核算

    A New Domain of Cost Accounting & Cost Counting of Digital Products

  23. 形式多样的数字化产品已经成为信息处理的主要工具。

    Various digital products have been the main tools for information processing .

  24. 面向精度的数字化产品装配模型研究及应用

    Research on Precision-oriented Digital Product Assembly Model and Its Applications

  25. 数字化产品的不断发展,给成本会计带来巨大的冲击。

    The development of digital products brings a big impact to cost accounting .

  26. 数字化产品和非数字化产品网络营销的差异性&以软件和玉器为例分析

    On the Difference of E-marketing between the Digital Product and the Conventional Product

  27. 在数字化产品预装配研究中,装配序列规划是核心。

    Assembly sequence planning is the core of digital product pre - assembly .

  28. 装配模型是支持数字化产品设计和制造的重要基础。

    Assembly model is the important base of digital product designing and manufacturing .

  29. 新一代数字化产品设计平台&变压器三维设计系统

    New Digital Product Design Platform-3-Dimension Transformer Design System

  30. 对数字化产品质量监控的探讨

    Discussion on the quality monitoring for digital products