
zhèng wù
  • government affairs;government administration
政务 [zhèng wù]
  • [government affairs;government administration] 政府的事务性工作;泛指行政事务

  • 终日忙于政务

政务[zhèng wù]
  1. 基于组件技术的南方政务GIS架构及其应用

    South GIS structure and its application concerning government affairs based on component technology

  2. WEBService技术的发展,为传统电子政务的发展提供了新的机遇。

    As the development of Web Service technology , it has provided a new opportunity for the traditional electron government affairs .

  3. 几位新政务委员在最近一轮选举中当选。

    Several new councillors got in at the last election .

  4. 人们要求在当地的政务中有更大的发言权。

    People want a greater say in local government .

  5. 关于这个问题可与你那里的政务委员谈一谈。

    Talk to your local councillor about the problem .

  6. 人们指责报章企图替政府决定政务的轻重缓急。

    Newspapers have been accused of trying to set the agenda for the government .

  7. 当地居民就缺少停车设施一事与政务委员会展开了斗争。

    Local residents have joined battle with the council over the lack of parking facilities .

  8. 若要当地公共汽车时刻表,请与达费德郡政务委员会联系。

    For a local bus timetable , contact Dyfed County Council .

  9. 区政务委员会每周收取一次垃圾。

    The District Council made a weekly collection of refuse .

  10. 几十名政务会委员愤然从会场退席以示抗议。

    Several dozen councillors walked out of the meeting in protest

  11. 政务委员会正在考虑是否要批准动用武器。

    The council is considering whether to approve of the use of firearms

  12. 区政务委员会同意反对者的意见,拒绝了这一申请。

    The district council agreed with the objectors and turned down the application .

  13. 地方政务委员会应当行使权力以保证人们严格遵守法律。

    Local councils should use their powers to ensure strict observance of laws .

  14. 奖项已使政务委员会的低层官员们愤愤不平。

    Already the awards are causing resentment in the lower ranks of council officers

  15. 枯燥的日常政务都由女王陛下的政府行政部门来处理。

    The daily grind of government is done by Her Majesty 's Civil Service

  16. 地方政务委员的反应是惊恐和愤怒。

    Local councillors have reacted with dismay and indignation

  17. 各地政务委员会被要求编制一份该地区成年居民的名册。

    Councils were required to compile a register of all adults living in their areas

  18. 他主张应当迫使财政超支的地方政务委员会重新进行选举。

    He argued that local councils which overspend should be forced to face fresh elections .

  19. 当地政务委员们认为该规划值得支持。

    Local councillors thought that the program was worthy of support .

  20. 该州的政务客户至上办公室正在审查外包的可行性,在该办公室的一份电子邮件声明中,发言人米歇尔·R·马丁表示,政府官员仍在努力分析来自高等教育监管会的数据。

    In an email statement from the state 's Office of Customer Focused Government , which is examining the possibility of outsourcing , spokeswoman Michelle R. Martin said officials were still working to analyze the data from the Board of Regents .

  21. Web电子政务应用系统的测试。

    The test of the e-government application system based on Web .

  22. 空间分析WEB服务在电子政务中的应用

    The application of WEB based spatial analysis in electronic government

  23. 面向Web服务的电子政务工作流模型研究

    Research on Web Services Oriented E - Government Workflow Model

  24. 基于Web技术的深圳电子政务应用平台

    The Shenzhen Electronic Application Platform Based on Web Technology

  25. 随着Internet的发展,电子政务也得到了蓬勃发展。

    With the development of Internet , E-government has had a quick development .

  26. 多平台下GISWebServices的实现及其在电子政务中的应用

    The Implement of GIS Web Services in Multi-platform and Its Application in E-Government

  27. 基于WEB方式的电子政务初探

    Study on e-commerce administration based on WEB

  28. 基于WebServices的政务信息共享平台

    E-Government Platform Based on Web Services

  29. 基于OracleText电子政务全文检索技术的应用

    Application of Full-text Retrieval Technology for E-government Based on Oracle Text

  30. 面向电子政务的OFFICEGIS研究

    Study on Office GIS of E-Government Affairs