
fàng zì
  • proud and self-indulgent;proud and undisciplined;indulge
放恣 [fàng cī]
  • [indulge] 放纵任性

  • 诸侯放恣,处士横议。--《孟子.滕文公》

放恣[fàng zì]
  1. 这主要是因为孟子所处的社会已经与孔子不同,他面对着的是诸侯放恣、处士横议的政治形势和文化环境。

    This is mainly because the community in which Mencius , and Confucius has been different , the people that cross the political and cultural environment .

  2. 据载,“惠帝后贾氏,名南风……其人丑且短黑,荒淫放恣,惠帝畏之”。因此,贾后继吕后等人之后,成了历史上另一有名的“祸水”女人。

    Jia thus was the another femme fatale in Chinese history after Empress Lu in the Han Dynasty . According to the records , " Jia Nanfeng was a short , dark-skinned and ugly woman with hot temper and her husband was afraid of her . "