
gǎi shàn
  • improve;better;reform;upgradation;upgrade;ameliorate;recovery;perfect;upturn;sweeten;upswing;polish up
改善 [gǎi shàn]
  • (1) [perfect]∶使原来的状况变得好些

  • 建国以来,人们的生活条件有了很大改善

  • (2) [improve;better]∶ 部分地、在某种程度上提到较好、较高水平

  • 改善住房条件

改善[gǎi shàn]
  1. 他为改善状况所作的努力应该受到赞许。

    His efforts to improve the situation are to be applauded .

  2. 我一下子明白我们如何能改善局面了。

    It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation .

  3. 我们期望来年会有更进一步的改善。

    We expect to see further improvement over the coming year .

  4. 如果销售情况得不到改善,真有破产的可能。

    Bankruptcy is a real possibility if sales don 't improve .

  5. 手术后他的生活质量大大改善了。

    His quality of life has improved dramatically since the operation .

  6. 一个人只要避免紧张,健康状况就会改善。

    A person 's health improves with the avoidance of stress .

  7. 这家酒店自去年以来已经改善了服务水平。

    The hotel has polished up its act since last year .

  8. 政府致力于改善公共服务事业,尤其是教育。

    The government aims to improve public services , especially education .

  9. 公司需要在所有这些方面改善业绩。

    The company needs to improve performance in all these areas .

  10. 他希望改善报纸略有受损的公众形象。

    He hopes to improve the newspaper 's somewhat tarnished public image .

  11. 很遗憾,我们无力改善目前的状况。

    Unfortunately , there is nothing we can do to improve matters .

  12. 警察和当地民众之间的关系已经得到改善。

    The relationship between the police and the local community has improved .

  13. 低收入家庭的生活状况是否已得到改善是一个颇有争议的问题。

    It is highly debatable whether conditions have improved for low-income families .

  14. 监狱条件得到改善的情况绝非事实。

    It is simply not the case that prison conditions are improving .

  15. 新机场将改善岛屿间的交通联系。

    The new airport will improve communications between the islands .

  16. 这种状况有无可能通过立法加以改善?

    Is this situation not susceptible of improvement by legislation ?

  17. 已经采取措施以改善局面。

    Steps have been taken to ameliorate the situation .

  18. 他真心实意地努力改善环境。

    He made a genuine attempt to improve conditions .

  19. 长期的经济前景已有所改善。

    Long-term prospects for the economy have improved .

  20. 足球界的形象需要改善。

    Soccer needs to clean up its image .

  21. 没有多少人赞同政府认为经济将会有所改善的预测。

    Not many people agree with the government 's prediction that the economy will improve .

  22. 他们的物质生活并没有改善。

    Materially they are no better off .

  23. 尽管在经济方面有改善的迹象,但仍不容自满。

    Despite signs of an improvement in the economy , there is no room for complacency .

  24. 维生素B6对于改善狗和马的皮毛有显著的作用。

    Vitamin B6 is great for improving the condition of dogs ' and horses ' coats .

  25. 人们大力宣传该国的健康状况正在改善。

    It was trumpeted that the nation 's health was improving .

  26. 他关心人类生存环境的改善。

    He was concerned with the enhancement of the human condition .

  27. 我们已发起一场要求改善幼儿园和中小学教育服务的运动。

    We have started a campaign for better nursery and school services

  28. 直到圣诞节政治关系才有所改善。

    It took up to Christmas for political relations to thaw .

  29. 洛杉矶穷人的境况仍未得到改善。

    Conditions for the poor in Los Angeles have not improved .

  30. 更低廉的房价可大大改善老百姓的生活水平。

    Cheaper housing would vastly improve the living standards of ordinary people