
shōu huò jié
  • harvest festival
  1. 给我找一个阿尔巴尼亚的收获节。

    Find me an Albanian harvest festival .

  2. 教区牧师请求全体教徒自愿为收获节的筹备工作助一臂之力。

    The vicar asked the congregation for volunteers to lend a hand with the preparations for the Harvest Festival .

  3. 因此,收获节是第一个三个的收获庆典。

    Therefore , Lammas is the first of three harvesting celebrations .

  4. 非洲人最初的收获节有许多共同之处。

    The African first fruit festivals had many things in common .

  5. 一起来庆祝这个收获节。

    Get together for festivals around harvest time .

  6. 但另外,学生在10月参加一个传统的印第安收获节。

    But in addition the students take part in a traditional Indian harvest festival in October .

  7. 收获节或五旬节。

    Feast of Harvest or Pentecost .

  8. 水果和鲜花的图像也用来象征幸福和繁荣与收获节有关。

    Images of fruits and flowers are also used to symbolize happiness and prosperity associated with harvest festival .

  9. 我建了一个村子,鼓励人们参加收获节的活动。

    I have built a cultural village to encourage people to participate in the seren taun ( harvest festival ) .

  10. 妈妈说:“今晚我们可以做一个收获节,也请你们爹爹来尝尝我们底新花生,如何?”

    Mother said : " How about giving a party this evening to celebrate the harvest and inviting your Daddy to have a taste of our newly-harvested peanuts ?"

  11. 吉利:星期天上午十时三十分。那天正是月圆,是名副其实的收获节满月。

    Jilly : it 'll be at10:30 on Sunday morning . it 's actually full moon on that day , so we 'll have a real harvest moon .

  12. 关于“收获节”这个词儿的来源,有一种说法认为,指的是用羔羊做封建贡品进贡的时期。实际上,这个词儿与此没有关系。

    One explanation for the origin of the term " lammas " is that it referred to the time when a feudal tribute of lambs was paid , but in fact it has nothing to do with this .