
  • 网络The Modern Times;modern time;Modern Age
  1. 观看电影《摩登时代》后,让学生们感受卓别林作品中欢笑背后的辛酸。

    The teacher helps the students feel the sadness behind the laughter in Chaplin 's work after watching the Modern Times .

  2. 摩登时代:学会爱惜电脑及其他设备

    Modern times : learn to cherish the computer and other instruments

  3. 卓别林的【摩登时代】是对机械文明的讽刺作品。

    Chaplin 's Modern Times is a satire on machine civilization .

  4. 你的《摩登时代》世界上每个人都能理解。

    The Modern Times everybody in the world can understand .

  5. 事实上,我们生活在一个摩登时代。

    Actually , we live in a modern period .

  6. 上周我看了查理·卓别林主演的(摩登时代)。

    Last week I saw Modem Times with Charles Chaplin playing the leading role .

  7. 而是卓别林为电影《摩登时代》所创作的——《微笑》。

    But it was a song that Charlie Chaplin wrote for the movie Modern Time .

  8. 在摩登时代,我们的“自由世界”让我们能够自由地选择我们自己的道路。

    In modern times , our " free world " enables each to freely chose our own path .

  9. 对于相爱的人,摩登时代障碍重重,也许远远超过以前的任何时代。

    Modern times are difficult for lovers ( see my post here ) - perhaps more so than in most previous eras .

  10. 本杰明•格雷厄姆和大卫•多德写成《证券分析》已经七十五个春秋了,摩登时代的价值投者家们不断加入其同仁的行列,至今仍对他们感激涕零。

    Seventy-five years after Benjamin Graham and David Dodd wrote Security Analysis , a growing coterie of modern-day value investors remain deeply indebted to them .

  11. 而1900年在巴黎举办的世界博览会则标志着法国在全球新工业领域领先地位的确立和一个摩登时代的开始。

    The Exposition Universelle in1900 was witness to the beginning of the modern society and to France 's advanced role in this new industrial world .

  12. 这不禁令我寻思,在这个女性能够独立生活、婚前性行为获得大众双手赞成的摩登时代,婚姻难道真的已经变成一种守旧的无聊事物了吗?

    It made me wonder if marriage has become an old-fashioned bore – unnecessary in modern times when women can live independently and premarital sex gets two thumbs up .

  13. 他的经典作品有:《淘金记》(1925年)《城市之光》(1931年)《摩登时代》(1936年)《大专制者》(1940年)。

    Chaplin was best known for his acting work in The Gold Rush ( 1925 ) , City Lights ( 1931 ) , Modern Times ( 1936 ) and The Great Dictator ( 1940 ) .

  14. 迈克尔最喜欢的一首歌曲不是来自他留给我们的无数的杰作,而是查理·卓别林为电影《摩登时代》写的《微笑》。

    Michael 's favorite song was not one of the countless masterpieces that he gave us . But it was a song that Charlie Chaplin wrote for the movie Modern Time . It 's called Smile .

  15. 宗教的地位也动摇了,取而代之的是同样让人迷茫的科学。新的技术改变了人们的沟通方式,就像惠特曼在《摩登时代》里面说的一样。没有人知道接下来会发生什么,是全面圣战,还是阶级清洗。

    And new technology , enormously expanding the means of expression and communication , had opened up what Whitman had eulogised as the Years of the Modern , in which no one knew what might happen next - whether a ' divine general war ' or a ' tremendous issuing forth against the idea of caste ' .

  16. 《芝加哥》尽管具有摩登女郎时代的欢闹,但在道德上比宝冢的大部分剧目更阴暗,更具讽刺性。

    For all its flapper-era razzle-dazzle , " Chicago " is morally darker and more satirical than most Takarazuka fare .