
mó tiān dà shà
  • skyscraper
  1. 迪拜一家建筑公司日前宣布,他们将建造世界上第一栋3D打印的摩天大厦。

    A construction firm based in Dubai has announced plans to build the world 's first 3D-printed skyscraper .

  2. 作为摩天大厦的诞生地,芝加哥在创新建筑的建设上一直处于领先地位,TILT是这种传统的延续。

    As the birthplace of the skyscraper , Chicago continues to be the leader in innovative architecture and TILT furthers that tradition .

  3. 该局最近出价11亿英镑收购汇丰大厦(HSBCTower),这是该地区为数不多的非金丝雀码头集团所有的摩天大厦之一。

    It recently bid £ 1.1bn for the HSBC Tower - one of the few skyscrapers in the area not owned by Canary Wharf Group .

  4. 随着在国金中心(IFC)刚刚开业的汇丰(HSBC)大楼等摩天大厦点缀在上海的天际,或许情况看起来的确如此。

    It might appear so as towering skyscrapers like the just-opened HSBC towers in the IFC dot the Shanghai skyline .

  5. 上个月的一个下午,在TowerRecords位于涩谷摩天大厦林立的商业区的旗舰店,少女组合Kokepiyo在为粉丝表演和签售CD,她们的母亲和经济人则守护在一旁。

    At Tower 's flagship store , in the heart of the skyscraper-lined shopping district of Shibuya , a group of preteen girls called Kokepiyo performed for fans and autographed CDs one afternoon last month , while their mother-managers watched protectively .

  6. 这些摩天大厦损害了这座古城的美。

    The skyscrapers do violence to the beauty of the old city .

  7. 钢铁是现代摩天大厦的主干。

    Steel is an integral part of a modern skyscraper .

  8. 他们在很久以前建造摩天大厦吗?

    Did they do this a long time ago ?

  9. 摩天大厦为公司、餐饮场所、居民住房和旅馆提供了空间。

    Skyscrapers provide space for offices , eating places , homes and hotels .

  10. 它是史无前例的收入不平等现象堆出来的摩天大厦。

    It is the house that historic inequality built .

  11. 金刚到处横冲直撞,砸倒了许多摩天大厦。

    King Kong lurched around smashing down skyscrapers .

  12. 纽约市拥有的摩天大厦比世界上其他任何城市都多。

    New York City has more skyscrapers than any other city in the world .

  13. 今天的摩天大厦要高得多。

    Today , skyscrapers are much taller .

  14. 他说:迪拜的摩天大厦和上面的景色让我们震惊。

    He said : Dubai has amazed me with its skyscrapers and views from them .

  15. 在洛杉矶每一座摩天大厦

    In Los Angeles , every new skyscraper

  16. 我从来没见过这么多的摩天大厦。

    Ve never seen so many skyscrapers .

  17. 他说:“迪拜的摩天大厦和上面的景色让我们震惊。”

    He said : " Dubai has amazed me with its skyscrapers and views from them .

  18. 这座摩天大厦有300米高。

    This skyscraper is300 meters high .

  19. 人口过剩导致许多摩天大厦拔地而起,大厦内众多的人挤地一起。

    The population exploration results in the erection of numerous skyscrapers where people are crowded together .

  20. 例如,没有人会企图用基本的手工建造现代的摩天大厦。

    For example , no one would even contemplate building a modern skyscraper using basic hand tools .

  21. 建造世界最高的摩天大厦几乎是一个永无止尽的目标。

    Building the world 's tallest building that seems to be a record that is forever unreachable .

  22. 整个社区都搬迁了,整个郊区不见了,取而代之的是写字楼和摩天大厦。

    Whole communities were relocated as entire suburbs disappeared , to materialize as office blocks and towering hotels .

  23. 纽约也是世界上最著名的摩天大厦的故乡,这是因为纽约有帝国大厦的存在。

    New York is also home to the world 's most famous skyscraper ? the Empire State Building .

  24. 但是最具经营头脑的观察家认为,这些计划又如空中楼阁,又如政府办公楼里摆放的一些朱巴摩天大厦的模型。

    But most business-minded observers think such plans fanciful , like the models of Juba skyscrapers in government offices .

  25. 但是沙吞仍是前途未卜,因为继续完工会比建造一座新的摩天大厦花费更多。

    But Sathorn 's fate remains uncertain , since finishing it would cost more than starting a new one .

  26. 城市中的某座摩天大厦直入云霄,电梯飞速穿梭上下。

    In a city , a skyscraper rushes into the sky , elevators inside swiftly shuttle up and down .

  27. 吉隆坡标志性的双子星塔主导了这座城市的天际线,但吉隆坡不是只有现代摩天大厦。

    The iconic Petronas Towers dominate Kuala Lumpur 's skyline , but the city isn 't all modern skyscrapers .

  28. 蒙古共和国首都和最大城市。这些摩天大厦损害了这座古城的美。

    The capital and largest city of Mongolia . The skyscrapers do violence to the beauty of the old city .

  29. 他还在考虑把这块砖用于北京中央商务区某摩天大厦中。

    Smiling , he said that he was considering choosing a skyscraper construction site in Beijing 's Central Business District .

  30. 上海的魅力是立体的。无论是摩天大厦还是串心弄堂。我热爱她无限生机,如同少女。

    I think the charm of Shanghai is from all ways , no matter the mordern buildings or the old houses .